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Everything posted by est1874

  1. Kavanagh is particularly bad. Definitely disqualified from driving on account of blindness. And being a prick.
  2. And done well too. Methinks someone isn't even watching this game tbh.
  3. Most casual performance I've ever seen from Matty Cash. Has gone right off the boil this season and looks like he doesn't care at all.
  4. That disguised through ball for McGinn leading to the penalty was everything. Can Emi's doubters stand up please? And then sit tf down.
  5. Hang on did JJ not clearly signal he was coming off? This match is so confusing.
  6. Well Bailey is still on the bench so he can't be very ill.
  7. Exactly. You can't count on other teams improving enough to neutralise their progress. I can easily see them finishing top 4 unfortunately. It's a long long way from guaranteed but they are looking very difficult to beat this season.
  8. Eddie Howe has this lot just 2 points off Citeh now. Saudi pull that off then?
  9. Leeds red hahaha. Oh boy. Never a dull moment for them.
  10. Betancur holy **** So annoying how close we came to signing this guy. **** Spurs.
  11. Congrats, I can't be bothered with this pointless argument anymore. I don't think it looks right, you do. That's literally the crux of all this nonsense back and forth. I suggest we leave it there.
  12. Maybe it's just not what they're looking at / focusing on yet? Which is fine, but it's an unfortunate thing for a lot of people to realize - months or years after the club have slapped this everywhere - that small details don't look right. It's hardly the only issue with the badge, but from a design perspective it's one of the first things that pops out to me as easily fixable / adjustable. And it only seems "strange" to you because you're intent on not grasping my point and carrying on an argument with me about it. For some reason you can't just accept that the 1874 looks entirely wonky to my eyes. If it looks fine to you, why is it so important to pick over my reasoning? I'm really sorry that I initially thought it was geometrically wrong - is that what you want to hear? It still looks off to me and to others like @His Name Is Death, and I feel the 4 could be easily adjusted as a result to bring a better overall optical balance to the text portions.
  13. Oh you've taken a break from making thinly-veiled personal jabs to offer something useful, that's good. It actually is quite a helpful video, because it exactly illustrates my point vs the people who broke out the Photoshop circles to prove that the 1874 was geometrically correct. As helpful as it is to show that something is accurate within concentric circles, if it doesn't look right without those circles, then it should be adjusted even if that means it ends up being geometrically inaccurate. If it doesn't look right to the naked eye, move it.
  14. It's not that difficult to grasp that text - be it letters or numbers - should always look correctly aligned on a badge. Whether it's because it's geometrically aligned or not isn't actually important, what matters is whether it looks right. The 1874 doesn't look right and I'm not the only person to pick up on it. That clear it up?
  15. BBC went out their way to post the lowest quality pixellated version they could find.
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