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Everything posted by est1874

  1. est1874

    Jhon Durán

    All this talk of his discipline omits to note how young he is. He's only recently turned 20, he's still adapting and acclimatising to a foreign country where he's been challenged to step up and earn his stripes and we've seen (or heard about) a certain difficulty with this on his behalf. He's young and frustrated, essentially - or has been. Discipline will come as he learns the English game and composes himself with time.
  2. 5 subs for Spurs, 0 for West Ham under the cosh - really?
  3. Yes, brilliant - by Antonio's standards.
  4. The key difference is Spurs only need 1 chance. West Ham need a dozen.
  5. West Ham will need a goal here. We all know dodgy Spurz will score another late goal.
  6. Aston Villa is printed in the wrong font, that's the main giveaway here. Black and white is the other - why would anyone take a photo of a prototype design and then convert it to black and white before leaking it? It screams lazy fake.
  7. Probably about the same grief Heck has got. Except Purslow's not American, so without the "dumb yank with no football knowledge doesn't know what he's doing" subtext to much of it.
  8. A Wolves win today is written in the stars.
  9. I hate spurz with the intensity of a thousand suns. But it's fine... we'll probably lose to wolves anyway.
  10. Mixed feelings on this. Fully appreciate you posted this in good faith and with the best of intentions and I respect the sentiment, but he is still alive. Deteriorating of course and I wouldn't want to underplay what he and his family will be going through, it's a very hard transition to make and I wouldn't want to speculate one way or the other over how much life he or anyone else will have left on this spinning orb - but he's not dead. I think a minute of anything before kick-off would be a bit premature and maybe a bit rough for his family and friends, not to mention Sid if he happens to tune in to any coverage of the game. Clear from what Collymore wrote that although he's getting worse, there's still an awareness there. I would say a gesture like this is best kept for a future date when it will be a lot more meaningful and even more sad tbh. Again, without speculating at all.
  11. He is the prime example of why international caps are **** meaningless and amount to nothing. His legacy as a Villan, on the other hand, will live on forever. Sad news today.
  12. How is that even feasible? What are the charges intended to achieve then?
  13. Don't understand the calls to move the club out of Aston. People might not love the area but it's in the name. It's where we're from. You might as well move us to London or north towards Manchester as to Solihull or Sutton Coldfield. This whole debate is moot anyway. The club have made it clear there is no discussion of a new stadium at all. We're staying, might as well try to improve VP and the surrounding area as much as we can.
  14. Not going to happen though is it? Why would anyone travel to Birmingham to go watch American football? Not enough people travel in for actual football as it stands.
  15. I mean, we have our own clone of him in Matty Cash...
  16. Haha. He's a goblin and the majority are finally (finally) realising.
  17. Nothing against Toney? Let's be honest the man is a rocket polisher.
  18. In general this is true but getting to and from the Emirates is a cinch when you consider the capacity. Think that's the exception though in my experience
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