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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Trevor 'Tom Daley' Francis played for them 21 times................................... Yes, I know
  2. Listening to Jason Cundy on the way back from the match and some other cockney wide boy, no mention whatsoever of Villa just all Liverpool with the sprinkling of West Ham , They spent 15 minutes taking the piss out of some pillock called Mo some random Liverpool supporter. Great Bantz
  3. But Northerners would not have chips on a breakfast as it is only a Laaaaandan 'thing '
  4. or the proof of Amazon delivery picture with your parcel sitting at some random house door that is not yours
  5. I was thinking more along the lines of not wanting to follow her into the khazi which you description of the breakfast content supports
  6. Vile mod rattled on Vile thread re the mighty SHA super stadium expansion mate
  7. knuckle draggers out in force on Talk Sport, old Wagner has really sold them a dream, bleedin idiots
  8. Jesus fuc***g wept I was led to believe they stopped LSD and acid experiments in the 60s
  9. Pashun will keep them up, proppa pashun mate. Not like the Vile plastics
  10. Having listened to WM for the past half hour I’ve got to be honest I’m now a believer. Wagner has confirmed even if they go down they’re going to build this 2 to £3 billion complex. Sounds very convincing. Richard Wilford has just said that for the first time in many generations supporters in Birmingham will have a choice of whom to support. A genuine contender carrying the name of the City. Heartwarming stuff
  11. Yes but that is a proppa 47.45% of the portfolio lost mate
  12. Yes but what about the royalties from Hart to Hart when in is on Dave?
  13. Tom Ross to conduct the grand opening with UB40 playing an impromptu gig on the second floor where they keep the golf equipment Fat Baz do the catering
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