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Everything posted by Steero113

  1. Looks like 4-2-3-1. Great to see some Boubs on the bench.
  2. "Fack, where are the changing rooms again?"...
  3. Would take either (we won't get either) but Pau Torres is in a different universe to Ndicka.
  4. 102 caps for Spain and Puyol himself called him the "best defender in the world"... Some guy on the Villa forum: "vErY AVerAgE". Never change Zat.
  5. Everyone loves a little bit of s**thousery in football. But who is the greatest exponent ever of the dark arts, Villa or otherwise. I'll start, Sergio Busquets. The master of the wind up, could get away with blue murder on the pitch in his prime and had the ability to wind up every opposition fan within minutes of the game starting.
  6. Hope he gets a ridiculous welcome at VP on Sunday. I'm talking Maximus returning from Germainia to his camp, I'm talking Pan's Labyrinth at Cannes film festival...
  7. Our press officer, the guy who is vocal on Twitter all the time.
  8. Puslow speaking first at the conference: "Sooooo, I **** up last time...."
  9. I'm actually most interested to see how he works with SJM. Not necessarily starting from the off but over time see how he uses him/if he can improve him. I think we might see a different player if his instructions are not just limited to "f**king hoof it son as far as possible".
  10. Could you look good against Man City?
  11. Whilst munching on a farcically big bag of Walkers.
  12. Not sure you noticed, but our previous "manager" didn't play with wingers. At all.
  13. At University we had a economics professor who was from Chad. He was a borderline genius, spoke something laughable like 9 languages. Whenever he referenced a balance sheet he could never, despite his best efforts, stop it from sounding like s**t. He ended up just conceding and calling it a 'Bee stroke Ess' If he can't change his pronunciation of syllables, no one is.
  14. Fans of Traore are rightly pointing to the fact that, in terms of numbers, he's been our best winger for 13 years. He also had a very rare ability (especially amongst Villa players recently) of actually being able to beat a man 1v1. Hardly f**king flat earthers are they. This game is about output. His output, albeit gained inconsistently, was excellent in that season.
  15. I agree, personally thought Callum O'Hare was treated unfairly by the club. Harewood though, christ.
  16. Of course, and you are in a better position than most having taken the time to learn how difficult it is to master two languages. @SeanVilla in the post above put my point across better than I could!
  17. It really does work like that. Your example makes little sense imo. English people are the absolute worst for judging peoples ability to speak English (as a foreign language) whilst at the same time they're going abroad and barely being able to pronounce 'Hola'.
  18. Danny Murphy as club spokesperson and Jim White as press liason officer.
  19. You still would though wouldn't you
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