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Everything posted by Steero113

  1. You still would though wouldn't you
  2. I couldn't give a banged hooker whether or not there is social media content. I want us to actually play some football in the two United games and not get played off the pitch every time we turn up.
  3. But what's the square root of an arse swivel?
  4. Not likely, the Percy comments suggest "later in the week". He isn't taking training until tomorrow now, apparently.
  5. Yeah, I was being tongue in cheek. I believe Emery will have a massive impact on us, but my god we have stagnated under Gerrard.
  6. Now we're only 12 places above that
  7. Any reason this isn't in other football?
  8. They are neither, they are total, complete and utter conjecture amongst random nobodies on Twatter.
  9. There are two more months left in the year buddy.
  10. Not sure you’ve quite absorbed my subtle sarcasm but sure thing. Deranged lol.
  11. Yeah, looks like the final cabinet reshuffle of existing staff has just been announced so the new incomings will naturally appear when Emery officially starts tomorrow.
  12. How the hell has Nanny MacPhee survived yet another coaching cull?
  13. I like big Cuts and I cannot lie, no other brothers can deny. Sad day, but onwards (and hopefully upwards) under Emery who the board seem to be backing 100%.
  14. The entire world knows he fell out with Rafa at that point. It was 4 games he was benched, then he was sold to Villa. He wasn't a reserve which ever way you choose to frame your argument and its pretty obvious you have an agenda against the player. Considering he's had niggly injuries since his arrival here I would hardly call a return of 4 assists and 1 goal in 25 games for a fullback a total waste of money or a flop considering we've had one of the worst coaches in our history during that period.
  15. They sure don't look like sub appearances to me.
  16. Re: all of the players being written off in the last few pages. Give Emery 10 games and see what we're thinking then. Look at what Howe has done with some Newcastle players that were considered utter dogs by all of their supporters (let alone ours) by implementing an actual working system and providing coaching. Joelinton, Almiron etc. None of which we would have wanted anywhere near us a year ago but would bite your hand off for now given their form. Our players have been coached by a turnip for a year.
  17. QPR are 3rd. He's fine. People can't be quality every game.
  18. Ramsey was shipped out because he didn’t balance the midfield with McGinn. If you don’t think he’s a PL level player then that’s your opinion but you will find very very few on here who will agree with your opinion, especially seeing as you didn’t rate Douglas Luiz either which now looks farcical. Look at what happened with Almiron and Joelinton at Barcodes. Under Bruce they were both diabolical but as soon as they were given tactical direction under Howe they looked excellent. FWIW, I also think Ramsey has been played out of position for his entire time at villa.
  19. “Rather than at Huge clubs with expectations to win” “he only won the league with PSG” he’s done it everywhere he’s gone.
  20. Just returning from a ban, which are the swear words I need to refrain from using to ensure I remain unbanned yet allow me to convey my utter joy at this appointment?
  21. Suprised at the lack of Danks Memes on here.
  22. He wasn’t talking about Gallardo though was he
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