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Everything posted by villanmac

  1. Amidst explaining that Leon was unhappy he was on the bench, Butler made the comment that one of the reasons for signing for Villa was because he'd get to start games, that was it. Nothing about promises. Cant post the link atm but i remember it being dead on the hour mark if anyone wants to watch it.
  2. Aside from the performance what i like is he seems to have the perfect combibation of humility and unwavering belief in himself. Often players with the latter can lack the former (that goes for people in general too) He doesnt come across a superstar in his interviews but speaks with a genuine appreciation of the moment and the opportunity. I just like that.
  3. Thats very reductive though..532 in the tough away games, 433 in the more winnable home matches. Simple game eh? None of us have studied the opposition to the level of detail that the coaching staff have, none of us know the gameplan, the matchups and the areas where we are looking to nullify and hurt them. Its a bit cringe hearing fans talks about tactics a lot of the time.
  4. Just hit me how strong our squad is. Thst bench, 9 subs and its without Chuk, Sanson and Philogene Bidace.
  5. Brilliant, Brilliant. Watkins, Ramsey, McGinn, load of them brilliant
  6. Ability aside (which i still think he needs to show more of) i dont think hes got the confidence/bollocks/arrogance whatever u want to call it (yet) against this level of opponent. Would love to be wrong though.
  7. Long balls to Ings and Watkins then. Cant see anything in that midfield 3 to get us up the field or hurt them on the counter same with wingbacks
  8. In my head the theme song to Minder kicks in every time i see that picture.
  9. McGinn been good. Stood up and took on the creative responsibility which he needs to do in a 442.
  10. The best player at the club now by quite a distance.
  11. Jesus Christ, we are judging players emotions based on a photo again
  12. Will do both sides good. He was disapearing up in his own arse at Villa and in love with himself and his image. I dont think he ever showed his teammates much respect. At City he'll calm that down as he wont be top dog (just like at England where he was more humble). He just wont be arrogant enough to think that hes better than any of those and it will improve him and take him to the next level. Villa also benefit from losing the billy big bollox mentality and galvanise as a unit. In that respect, for me their was a clear contrast between the defence (which was a cohesive unit) and the attack (which seemed all over the place) last season. Ings will help us massively in improving that i hope.
  13. The good thing about the long drawn out saga is by the end of it you start to not give a f**k.
  14. It looked like Man City were all set to edge the days play but whats this...Villa are off the ropes!!
  15. City & villa fans saying he's off because he was looking down in a video and didn't respond to the ramblings of a retard. Villa fans reckoning its back on for him to stay because there's a photo of him with a smile. You've all lost your heads and the internet is melting your brains.
  16. Tbf it could be awkwardness at an absolute cringer barking inane questions at him. What a dick. Whether Jack leaves or not don't try and ruin a nice moment for a load of kids.
  17. I think that might be because when Trezeguet tries to dribble it gets counted as a pass or long range effort at goal most of the time
  18. I like how someone calls in and is talking about Bailey joining one of the top teams in a couple of years, his dad stop hims and and is like what if Villa is one of the them teams in a couple of years (1:28:00ish) Also: 1:31:20ish - he talks about Villas growth and development / history why can't we go for the championship. 49:40 - talks about Grealish situation / Deano really liking Leon
  19. A suspected slight knock? What's what of those...Did he have a slight knock or not. Even reporting on injuries they are completely ambiguous.
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