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Everything posted by AVFCLaura

  1. Beethoven - Fur Elise on repeat over and over and over... On hold
  2. Hahahaha. (Rob you're terrible...) Welcome Emma. Don't mind these boys...
  3. I voted 7 - good but could do better. Specifically in regards to Job & Housing. I have a mind numbingly boring job working with complete idiots - however it's well paid. And I live in a lovely house, but it's a house share and some 60-odd miles away from the boyfriend. Improve these 2 aspects and we'd be looking at a 10 - everything else is excellent.
  4. I think a lot of it has to do with the crime and then if the nature of the crime was such that compassionate release could be considered - I think you should then consider the remorse. Has this person been a co-operative prisoner, have they shown remorse for their victims or their crime. Biggs for example, is a classic case of no remorse and a total disregard for the system and completing his sentence - not perhaps the most violent or graphic natured crime, but his behaviour subsequently; leads people to believe he should not have been granted release on compassionate grounds.
  5. On another note, I haven't played again for ages. My love affair with this game is suffering because I have no free time to really get back into it Boyfriend at a Stag do Saturday, might get some bottles, snacks and make a day of it.
  6. Not taking a tripod! I just meant in future if I was going to use it for anything else & I had developed the shakes - doubt I will though, I have a pretty steady hand. Should be a good day. And failing that - it's Indian cuisine as the bride is Indian - bring it on.
  7. Thanks everyone I'm really looking forward to shooting at the wedding - no pressure because a photographer is there but hopefully I can get a couple of really special shots. Did my brothers wedding and the photo on their mantle piece is one of mine, not the photographers, makes you feel very good. Thanks for the picture Damian, that makes it all a bit more clear, I will have a play around with this elusive f stop business then. I'm quite lucky with the shake Bicks, I tend to manage to keep it steady, I've not had a blurred image using it yet, so fingers crossed. I would get a tripod if I start to suffer from that though, so good call. And is THAT what the little spinner on the view finder is for Vipers? Cool. I am a glasses / lenses wearer so I might have a play around with that, thanks.
  8. (Going to sound really blonde here but...) That little spiky circle by the viewfinder?
  9. Cheers Damian, thanks for that. I'll be using a Canon 350D and I have a HOOOOOGE zoom lens (I don't know the technicals on that off my head) but that should mean I can be far enough away. I'll take heed about your lighting tips, I do usually try to bear this in mind as upmost importance when shooting. I don't manual focus - I know this is bad, but I'm not experienced enough to do so. 'Consider using aperture priority and keeping the f stop to 2.8/4/5.6' - I (unfortunately) have no idea what this means, but I will look it up when I get home.
  10. B23, I've been asked to take some photos for a wedding on Friday - they have a photographer at most of the event so I will shadow him (and probably generally p*ss him off...) but some parts they will want capturing he won't be there. I've been thinking, go for the casual, natural moments that the photographer won't be concentrating on as much - non set-up photos, where people aren't looking etc. Really capture the natural shots. Do you have any tips?
  11. Your Type is: ENFJ ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. But it's usually not meant as manipulation -- ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are. ENFJs are global learners. They see the big picture. The ENFJs focus is expansive. Some can juggle an amazing number of responsibilities or projects simultaneously. Many ENFJs have tremendous entrepreneurial ability. ENFJs know and appreciate people. Like most NFs, (and Feelers in general), they are apt to neglect themselves and their own needs for the needs of others. They have thinner psychological boundaries than most, and are at risk for being hurt or even abused by less sensitive people. ENFJs often take on more of the burdens of others than they can bear. Famous ENFJs: Michael Jordan, NBA basketball player Pete Sampras, Tennis Champion U.S. Presidents: Abraham Lincoln Ronald Reagan Barack Obama Extraverted 11% Intuitive 62% Feeling 12% Judging 1% You are: slightly expressed extravert distinctively expressed intuitive personality slightly expressed feeling personality slightly expressed judging personality Pretty interesting actually... Good question PV and good link Levi.
  12. Most of the big name apps are good, eBay, Facebook etc Also, eBuddy is the best free application I've found for MSN. 'Movies' is a good one - an application that tells you what's hitting the box office, lets you watch trailers, gives you show times on the closest cinemas to you using your direct location. 'Rightmove' have just come out with an application, if you're in the market to buy or rent, it's very good. 'iPint' - because you just have to... 'iRail' or 'iTrainLive' are good applications if you are a train traveller. 'Lemonade' - the old Lemonade Tycoon game. All of the above are free. (Or were when I downloaded them)
  13. Don't watch 'The Proposal' - Sandra Bullocks new film. I went to watch it last night, I'm a sucker for anything romantic - but it was awful.
  14. Ahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa! I can't breathe that's so funny!
  15. They taste like bootleg washing up liquid
  16. I've had marmite sandwiches for the last 10 days at work (I'm making my own now) and I feel something may happen to me. I have been told mosquitos dont like the vitamins in it, so they won't bite me anymore - wish someone told me this before Egypt and 40 bites on the lower right leg and 32 on the left. Nice.
  17. I brought Freya North's Secrets a couple of weeks ago, haven't found the will to start it yet. I find it an effort to begin a book. Although on Holiday recently I took 'The Heat Diaries' written by ex Heat editor Mark Frith and could NOT put it down. Alex lost me to that book for about 3 days....
  18. I don't understand half of what's been said here but I know that I held shares in a housebuilder and sold them last week after they trebled. I don't want to be holding in such an uncertain market. I'm happy with my lot on that one.
  19. Saw a preview of the iPhone app - it looks AMAZING. You can also sync your playlists for use offline when you're on the tube or out of signal. (A total of 3,333 songs can be synced for offline play according to the creators) It's so user friendly too, an app dream. You can download the app for free - you do need to be a premium user to use it though. (lol) The only slight stumbling block - well they've only submitted it to Apple - it's no guarantee it will get accepted. Look at Google Voice - they rejected that. So who knows... Exciting though, I'm fairly sure it would be worth signing up for. Link to video of the Spotify Application for iPhone
  20. Mercenary...? What do you think?
  21. AVFCLaura

    Top Gear

    just checked it out on iplayer. If your daughter looks like that when she is 19, i'll bath her for you! :winkold: Can we have turns? This is so very very wrong... Nayson!
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