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Everything posted by WallisFrizz

  1. I really liked the navy third (?) kit of a couple of seasons ago but it didn’t go down well with most.
  2. I’d like to think the PL can get its act together within the next 12 months and close any loopholes around this.
  3. Providing we qualify for the group stage of ECL and don’t get knocked out in the first round of each cup, I don’t think many players will struggle for minutes this season. They’ll all be squad players to a degree.
  4. I’m neutral. If Emery wants him then great but the words inconsistent and raw put me on edge slightly for a player of that value.
  5. Why are people so excited by him then? I know nothing about him and have never seen him play so am not bothered either way if we sign him. I don’t think we are at the financial stage yet where we can drop £30 mil on a raw unproven player. Jhon Duran makes me nervous enough.
  6. 1st leg Europa play off then away at Burnley, 2nd leg Europa play off then away at Liverpool. Gonna be knackered by mid September.
  7. Dan Bardell saying we did request an away fixture first.
  8. We will be playing one of 19 other teams and we will be at home or away. ITK.
  9. So, say we don’t get him or not soon anyway, is our whole transfer window being coordinated by Lange?
  10. This guy has only 400 followers but he says it’s sorted so I’m totally believing him.
  11. Are we 100% having that sponsor? Not seen anything announced, clinging on to a bit of hope we’ve changed our minds.
  12. Is this connected to the trip to Chelsea where she was banned from attending and turned up anyway? Were we trying to stop her being tapped up or was that just a completely different issue?
  13. That would be a great opening fixture and a good one to get out the way early.
  14. Why post a cryptic post like that without context?
  15. This is a little bit of what I’m worried about
  16. I think he’s done a good job on the whole. Mistakes may have been made along the way but he has overseen a period of growth and stability and he should be proud of his work. I hope that we have someone come in that has his knowledge of FFP and can oversee all the projects ongoing with the Council etc. As much as I love Emery, I think we should be wary of handing over full control to ‘his people’ (by that I mean his choices not the Spanish ).
  17. Well done Bouba but don’t get injured.
  18. I keep seeing people talking about Rodrigo and his 3 mil release clause on Twitter but no actual links.
  19. I’m not disappointed but after watching quite a lot of him this season, he’s got a lot to prove in my opinion. Hopefully he’ll think so to.
  20. All very weird. Surely the release money isn’t an issue if we want him but that says we haven’t made him an offer. Confused and bored with this SD saga.
  21. I hated that shirt back then and I still hate it now but then I don’t like green or stripes.
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