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Everything posted by WallisFrizz

  1. We didn’t play well second half, they were worthy of a point, not 3.
  2. Martinez hasn’t been great to be honest. No way they’re going to concede now.
  3. They’re really not a shit team, not a great footballing side but definitely not shit and this won’t be an easy match. Everyone seems so outraged by Dyches comments but it’s something that I’ve thought myself. I’m sure he referred to fate being involved with the Hawkeye thing and how we were able to build on that and become a good outfit. That Hawkeye error has never happened before or since in thousands of games and it did probably have an impact on our season given how narrow our survival was. I’m not superstitious but there is something fate-like about a 1 in 10,000 error deciding our future when at a fork in the road of relegation or now pushing for Europe. That’s not to say that everything goes our way, it clearly doesn’t (Tyrone Mings says hi) but we took a bit of luck and ran with it. Good for us.
  4. I love that he’s been watching all our games since December. Glad we had such a good month. Anybody would be impressed by those performances.
  5. I do agree, and it was noticeable against Newcastle. But there are benefits to this in that if Jack and Barkley are working their magic it’s going to draw defenders towards them/away from our other forwards which is probably why it’s no coincidence that Watkins tends to score when Barkley is playing. I’m sure Barkley also assisted one of Watkins goals against Arsenal.
  6. Is this bloke swimming across the channel or what?! Im bored, need a bit of Villa content today.
  7. I do think we should be able to get him for less than 30 tho.
  8. Agree, I also think Watkins does better with him on the pitch as he takes defenders away from Ollie leaving him more space. I love having Grealish, Barkley, Watkins and Traore as an attacking force with El Ghazi and Trez as good energetic subs/ alternatives (think Trez helps Cash out more than Traore when we are playing the best attacking teams).
  9. I think when Terry goes to Chelsea he will want to go as manager, having picked up experience elsewhere both as assistant and manger at other clubs. Probably won’t be for years yet but I bet when he does he will be well equipped and do a good job. I’m never right about these things tho so expect him to be announced as Tuchel’s assistant tomorrow.
  10. I disagree. I don’t think we were actually all that good against Newcastle, they were just abysmal. We will have to play much better to beat a much improved Burnley side. We are clearly capable, so I’m cautiously optimistic but I don’t think we will blow them away at all. I would love to see a Jack/Ross masterclass.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZ6ZKrDsQg/?igshid=16zfelx42ubm0 He knows he didn’t play well.
  12. 8pm kick offs are fine when you’ve had a busy day but a lockdown weekend...excruciating.
  13. Their fans convinced they’re going to get hammered, our fans convinced it’s 3 pts in the bag. Saint Maximin due to return. I’m nervous.
  14. How could we outgrow a quality player. Surely strength in depth in all positions is a good thing?
  15. He didn’t say anything outrageous and makes a good pundit.
  16. Agree, testing the water is one thing, taking the piss is another. (If it’s true)
  17. That pass was outstanding. Think I need to stop following him on social media tho cos he’s irritating me. The rest of the lads are clearly gutted and angry about the result and controversy he didn’t seem that bothered and straight away starts fawning over City and their players, liking and commenting on their posts, complimenting their performances. Maybe that’s a thing all players do now immediately after games they lose and I just haven’t noticed. Can’t help feeling he is courting that summer move, he needs to remember he wears the Captains armband. Everybody else is fuming, he’s straight over to Raheem Sterling’s Insta. Like, I said it’s probably my problem and maybe they all do it.
  18. Not sure but Hause since deleted it, probably because no matter how innocently he may have meant it (and it was oddly timed- straight after match), it basically invited a load of Mings abuse in the comments.
  19. And we’re now even shorter in midfield because we’ve let Conor go on loan. And McGinn suspended? FFS
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