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Everything posted by zab6359

  1. Even Unai can't conjure up that sort of magic!!
  2. I doubt that, we are pretty well stacked for that 10 role with Emi B, Coutinho and even McGinn able to slot in it's not a high priority, once we finally get Diaby signed I think we'll see us chasing a winger likely another drawn out chase.
  3. Fortunately he's on a long contract so plenty of time to get it absolutely right with him and not rush things, needs to go to a good club though.
  4. Certainly did, widely reported on the salary tracking websites as above. There were a couple of very questionable contracts offered around then with the likes of Konsa who performed/has performed well kept on lower salaries.
  5. I really hope we don’t sign Doku his injury record scares me!
  6. The higher profile/better we do the more bonkers the transfer windows will be, comes with the territory!
  7. Wait and see we don’t want to spoil it for you
  8. Nothing to see here, all go home. Nothing happens on a Thursday!
  9. Winning and competing on the US PGA tour was the pinnacle for the very best golfers in the world, golfers aren't lazy that is a lazy comment. All it took was being set up for life with $$$ to persuade some of the very best golfers to switch footballers are no different at all and it won't take 400 to change the balance of power, realist? I'd hate to see players like Diaby go there but for the right money they will.
  10. Don't be so naive look what they have done to golf! They are already buying assets in the big leagues and they have endless pot of wealth to dip into, who knows where the game will be in 5-10 years.
  11. Saturate the Saudi league with enough top players and coaches over the next 5-10 years (and the money WILL bring them) and it suddenely becomes one of the top leagues no one will be going there to regress, it'll be sought after.
  12. Please Moussa just sign your name
  13. Have a feeling he will be 4th choice this season and that's probably fair, we might see him get a spot when others are rotated but not expecting im to pay a big part.
  14. I'd like to move him on ASAP he doesn't deserve the same sort of hatred Lescott and Richards got but I can see it happening if he hangs around on a big wage not contributing.
  15. Page 4! Not having that, haven't seen him in any training clips so presume he's still pretty knackered.
  16. I doubt we are even looking at a RB Cash is the starter and Konsa will be back up with Chambers if he is still here as a third choice.
  17. I know people will get there knickers in a twist when I say this but i'll say it anyway..............we won't become a regular top 6 team until we have an annual revenue in the top 6 simple as, we may well dip in and out of the top 6. As things stand we have a revenue in the lower half of the league until that changes the best manager in the world won't be able to change things! Just to add I'm not unhappy with not being a top 6 team, it is what it is.
  18. Would be a great move for him, final big payday and get him off our wage bill. Something must be going on with him, with him not coming back for pre season with the rest of the team. Unless he's injured again.
  19. They can f*** off he's not for sale and we are in Europe not them!
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