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Laughable Chimp

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Everything posted by Laughable Chimp

  1. Pretty sure some guy already posted in here that his goal scoring record for the U18s and U20s wasn't prolific either.
  2. Well this was coming. Man, our next league fixtures look horrendous. I think its fair to say we're probably not gonna be out of the bottom 3 anytime soon.
  3. Depends on what you define as legend. For me, its less abot the footballer's ability, its what he accomplished that makes him a legend.
  4. Because we play 3 at the back and have only one backup. Engels, Hause and Konsa are pretty much all interchangeable. At the very least you have to agree that not one of them is clearly superior over the other so its not hard to see how any one of them becomes a regular starter.
  5. I think the point he was making was that they play a similar style, not that they're on the same level.
  6. Still, there's no reason to go at someone for thinking it would. Its still a disadvantage after all, as minor as it may be.
  7. Mings made 17 appearances in the PL in 4 years. He was about as established as a PL player as Engels is currently.
  8. Its almost like he's baiting people to respond to him....... Hell, its the way the post is structured too. Normally, people would just give their opinion as to why they disagree. No, he has to bait people in such a way to respond to him first. He has also has to be purposely dense to not get why people think Grealish is good. If he doesn't like Grealish, fine. But at this point multiple different people have given him many, many reasons for why they like Grealish and why they think he is good, so the fact that he still has to ask someone this quuestion, just smacks of it being a completely ingenuine question actually intended to bait people to respond to him.
  9. If he somehow loses every game for the rest of the season, hell yeah I'm asking for him to be sacked. He isn't untouchable at all. Now, the point isn't that he will lose every game for the rest of the season, just that there are definitely things that can happen that should make him sackable.
  10. We're 70% of the way through the season and he doesn't look any better than when he first played. At this point, I have the same hope of him getting up to speed as I do Trezeguet.
  11. I mean, they paid 50m for Sterling. They clearly had big plans for him.
  12. Sure, So after calculating and adjusting for inflation, I've gotten 49 points. Looking at the league table, it shows that that wouuld've been enough to put us in 11th place that season. But we were the 8th highest transfer spenders and the 7th highest wage bill that season so I would've expected us to be somewhere up there as well. Probably made a mistake somewhere then in the inflation calculations most likely but I'm not really sure where. But regardless, you get the picture. We should've been comfortably mid-table with the amount we were spending that season. Not rock bottom. I could input all the finances for all the teams in that 2015-16 season so I don't have to take into account inflation but I'm too lazy to put that amount of work in.
  13. Posted this earlier, but ran some numbers based on our transfer expenses and predicted wage bill and we're predicted to finish at 43 points based on it all. Even taking into account the mitigating factors, at our current trajectory we're predicted to finishing at almost 10 points less than that. Quite frankly, its near unacceptable imo and the mitigating circumstances are not enough to excuse it away. Is survival a success knowing our current state? Yes. But I don't buy the idea that the owners were viewing just survival as a success at the start of the season. They were definitely aiming to do more than that
  14. There's this rather unknown statistic/metric called "subjective opinion".
  15. The world will end before Smith decides to play without wingers.
  16. Konsa's passing stats were slightly worse than Hause's last I checked. The difference is Konsa doesn't attempt as many passes as Hause does.
  17. This is the kicker for me, when people say they'd rather go down than getting in an established manager but unfashionable manager to steady the ship. We have a way better chance of building something if we actuually survive the drop than going down. Don't know how people can view it otherwise.
  18. I agree. He's the best defender of the bunch that's for sure but he's not really a standout either. He's a solid PL CB atm, nothing more. He just needs to work on his consistency because he can be great on a day but on another be just as prone to errors as the other defenders. There was a time earlier in the season where it was him doing all the errors as well. Which is why I don't think anyone will be coming for him for much more than we paid for him in the event we go down. He's not really young and I think for 30m or more most PL clubs will go for someone much younger or a defender who has shown he can do the business better than Mings. He'll probably stay with us.
  19. Did we really though? We were dominated for large chunks of the game and Nyland had to pull off several insane saves to keep us in the game. I don't think we played that well against Leicester, we were just a bit lucky. As for the Spurs game, we looked great for like 17 minuutes in between a lucky own goal(which people somehow neglect to mention when talking about our performance that game) and the Spurs equalizer. We were absolutely dominated for the rest of the match yet through a combination of luck we nicked another goal and somehow conceded only another one before the Engels mistake despite conceding dangerous chance after dangerous chance to the Spurs attack. We didn't look alright against them imo. We were lucky, it happens in a match. Lets just ignore the goals for a bit and look ask whether we were truly the equal to the team we faced that night? I don't think we were. I don't think we've been overall superior to another team we've faced for a long time now as well and that's worries me the most about our team. We're not just not getting results, we're playing badly, and the few good results we've somehow able to gain over the past 2 months have papered over that.
  20. Just wait until he turns 22. You'll see how fickle these fans are then.
  21. Made some great saves to keep uus in the game, but a couple of the chances that they had in the first place were directly due to him in the first place. Doubt there's any consensus on Nyland or Reina on here. Nyland showed that he can have insane games but is prone to howlers. Reina has arguuably better distribution and is the more consistent keeper. I think either choice is fine tbh but I think Smith will go for Reina.
  22. I mean, that's kind of by definition assured to be true. They were never going to retain that run of form the entire way and were always gonna hit a rough spot at some point again. Its like saying, "Watford have done very little since the time they were very good". A bit unfair to use that that as a stick to beat them and Pearson as it completely disregards the great job Pearson has done with them before this rough patch and they could still easily hit a vein of form again. In fact, its something I'm predicting to happen. They are a lot better than what their position indicates. I said it before Pearson, and I'm still saying it now.
  23. Look, I got no issue with you. I was just joking with the boomer stuff. I'm not trying to diminish or dismiss what the older generation are saying.
  24. Well, technically he's from before the boomer generation. He's part of the Silent generation.
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