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Everything posted by striker

  1. Pretty much where I am on this apart from bringing him back to Villa. Villa need to move on from seeking previous players way past their best unless it’s in a non playing role. Great opportunity to promote the U23s and build for the future rather than keep going back to the tried and failed policy of buying players in the twilight of their careers.
  2. Fair points but you could display a multitude of team sheets yet play in a different way on the pitch. I also don't think anyone has said that Bruce set the team up to lose away from home. What they are saying is the team on many occasions last season were set up with the onus on not losing which handed the initiative to what was on paper inferior opposition. That was quite evident throughout the season and with the most expensively assembled squad the Championship has seen.
  3. Good point which just about answers all of those who think it was solely down to the players for that 1st half performance in the play of final. That performance had been repeated a multitude of times during the season. If the rumours are correct and Xia wanted Bruce out then if Xia remains owner I cannot see Bruce being the manager at the start of next season. Could all be bull of course?
  4. Some time ago sne. Had an interest in both teams but have plumped for the Villa. Never been in doubt since although I'm not sure about Lee Hendrie's dress sense. ?
  5. Certainly is Jareth but hopefully things will work out for the best before new season starts?
  6. Think you've misunderstood my post. I was repeating previous statements from club under Xia with a rather large dollop of sarcasm. No don't mind you asking at all. Now a Villa man with a previous interest in Everton.
  7. If what we are led to believe is true then we'll all have to wait quite a bit longer for European football. Build one team to get out of the Championship. Another to stay in the Premier League and then yet another to be competitive for top six. Indeed.?
  8. Really don't think 30m is enough for Grealish considering the inflated prices for decent players unless there is a sell on fee involved in that and even then?
  9. Wish to apologise for asking what to me is a simple layman questions. What happened to all the finance Xia reportedly had when first buying the club? None of this makes sense unless Xia’s reported wealth was based on Monopoly money? Surely a man of his rumoured wealth wouldn’t have all his money in one basket, I.e China?
  10. No idea mate especially since the revelations concerning finances where even paying compensation to get someone else's manager may not be possible anymore? Due to those rumoured finances I've back tracked in the new manager thread and mentioned Moyes if Bruce leaves or is sacked. I've explained why in the other thread so no need to repeat it here.
  11. Time and time again I’ve advocated a younger more progressive manager coming in if Bruce walks or is sacked. However to get one of those Villa will probably need to nick one off another club and that will involve compensation to the new manager’s former club plus factoring in Bruce’s pay off. That scenario is becoming increasingly unlikely with the financial revelations rumoured in the press. So with a very deep intake of breath and if he’s still available what about Moyes? With my previous interest in Everton he always tried to bring the younger players through, he had to with having to work inside financial restrictions and he didn’t take any crap from the senior players. I know he didn’t do so well at the reds of Manchester or indeed at Sunderland but recently turned West Ham around which was pretty much in a mess when he took over. He would also have Villa playing better football, maybe not the free flowing stuff we all wish to see but it would be better, more attacking on the break plus he’s much more tactically aware than Bruce. Would he take the job though at Villa? That’s the most difficult one to consider. Xia would have to give him final say on any transfers and we all would need to give him time to bring the younger players through and build a team I don’t think Bruce is capable of doing. Something to consider?
  12. It all depends on how much the club needs the revenue from selling Grealish now? If the club can afford to keep him and Grealish wants to stay for another season then why not reach a gentleman’s agreement with the player that he signs a new contract on the premise that if Villa miss out on promotion next season again the player can still leave for a substantial fee. It’s a win win for everybody then. My concern is with Spurs reportedly sniffing around a deal Levy will offer something like 15m-20m plus Anomah this transfer window and Bruce will recommend the club accept it if still manager. That would be an awful deal for Villa.
  13. Bruce hasn’t met the remit so he has failed. As I’ve posted elsewhere he couldn’t overcome a very one dimensional Cardiff side who had an inferior squad but managed by someone that made them into a very hard working team in each game they played. Bruce signed a bunch of mercenaries who played when they felt like it and when they didn’t, they didn’t turn up. When you couple that with inept safety first tactics (I use that word very loosely) at times then no wonder Villa’s season was full of inconsistencies. If Villa’s current financial situation is true (and it may not be due to the general silence from the club) then Steve Bruce is not equipped to despense with the way his teams have previously been built and played over a period of many years to now built a new youthful exciting team playing pass and move football. It will be more of the same next season albeit with much cheaper mercenaries again taking the places of those very good youthful players coming through and that would be a travesty because the chance is there with those younger players to build something new for the future now.
  14. For me Chester is a must keep due to being able to blood one of the younger centre backs beside him and having someone there who can organise the defence. However if he wants to go then I’m sure if Bruce is still manager, Villa will probably bring someone in on loan with experience to do the same job. Just noted someone posting it’s all doom and gloom if Villa lose the current spine of the team. That’s the same spine that failed to gain promotion over a very one dimensional Cardiff side. I think people need to get a bit of perspective on that. Either the team or manager wasn’t good enough and changes now need to be made anyway.
  15. striker


    Chester would be an absolute bargain even at 12m. It’s not my money but I’d be asking closer to 15m for him. Consistently Villa’s best player this season.
  16. If the intent/remit next season is promotion then i’m dead against keeping Bruce. He has already failed twice doing it his way. If however the finances at the club are as bad as it is rumoured and promotion is going to be replaced by stability as the remit in the Championship next season then I feel there is a better argument for keeping Bruce although I’m still not sure he has the ability to forge the younger players into a competitive team?
  17. Really don't want to repeat what we differ on but I can't agree that everyone is also on the Bruce out wagon. They really aren't. If you check back there are those who still agree with you that Villa should stick with Bruce due to the reasons you've mentioned and that is your and their prerogative.
  18. As you know most weren't basing their opinion of Bruce on playoff results or performances. They were basing their opinions on what they've seen in front of their nose over the period of time he has been here considering the resources available to him. And no I don't think most would have herald Bruce as the second coming because I've seen many on here still question whether he would have been the right manager to take Villa forward in the Premiership.
  19. Agent fees? Goodness knows what the club payed them to get the players in the first place? Don’t know about everyone else but it was bad enough failing to get promoted and now having to deal with this. Very sad indeed.
  20. Jedinak on 50 grand a week? I really hope that isn’t true because God knows what Whelan is on?
  21. May be wrong here but wasn’t it RDM that spend most of the money while apart from Hogan Bruce had to adopt ‘the older days of buying smarter?’
  22. Sorry to cut your post up TRO but this caught my eye, particularly ‘we had a good go, with what we had.’ Do you think Villa did as well as they could with the squad available or underachieved?
  23. Thanks for that VILLAMARV. Yep Villa fan but prepared to wait until the powers that be decide that I’ve earned the claret & blue stripes.? Lets hope Jack will be wearing those very same stripes next season because he’s definitely earned them.
  24. Liked his attitude and work rate but wrong side of thirty now and that for a wide man is getting on a bit so wouldn’t be too disappointed not to see him back again.
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