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Everything posted by striker

  1. If that is the case then Bamford will be staying at the Boro for some considerable time scratching his behind on the bench.
  2. Really like Bamford at Boro. Holds the ball up well, has an eye for goal, has good feet and can also play in the 10 role. Don't think he played consistently for Boro last season so might be a loan option too?
  3. Ringo kept saying he wasn't leaving so if true kudos to him. Massive statement of intent if Grealish stays. Been waiting on confirmation before getting my shirt with Grealish on the back of it.
  4. I don’t think the word sacking will be used if he does go. A statement will be issued saying the club are going in a different direction and the new owners want their own man in.
  5. It was a significant achievement alright to avoid relegation and miss out on promotion for all the wrong reasons.
  6. If Bruce does leave will that also mean Grealish going too?
  7. Employed due to his record of promotions yet failed to get Villa promoted with the most expensively assembled squad the Championship has seen. Out.
  8. Haven’t heard of him. Is he any good?
  9. Wenger who I have the greatest respect for is too old now to replicate at another club what he did at Arsenal.
  10. If it meant not having to watch another season of turgid football with four forwards on the pitch when things don’t go Villa’s way then I’d be glad to have Henry on board.
  11. That is very worrying on two levels. One Villa have got him on loan again and two he is part of any deal for Grealish?
  12. Villa got the best out of what was left in Terry's engine last season and his performance in the playoff final showed it was indeed time to hang up his boots. Would have been terribly exposed had Villa got to the Premiership.
  13. Don’t subscribe to this at all. It would get rid of a word removed owner plus maybe Bruce given his P45. That in my book is massive change for the good. Concerning FFP. What is the worst that could happen. A fine which would be paid or docked points which if certain players are retained wouldn’t mean relegation.
  14. What is the worst that can happen if Villa don’t meet FFP rules? A fine, docked points? If there is a takeover in the offing as mooted in the takeover thread then surely the fine would be paid and Villa would still gain enough points to stay in the Championship if able to retain players like Grealish?
  15. Very welcome if true? Would be one explanation why certain players haven’t already been sold.
  16. Bruce isn't culpable imo for the financial straights Villa find themselves in at the moment. Like any other manager he asked the board to sign the players he wanted and they financed the transfers. The owner and board could have said no. What Bruce is culpable for is having the best squad of players in the Championship last season yet setting the team up on many occasions in a way which handed the initiative to inferior opposition. On his own admittance not freshing the team when it became obvious to all that the experienced players were tiring and indeed placing his transfer policy on experienced players with high wages when he could have given more younger players already at the club a chance. You also have to consider what other managers achieved in the Championship with much less resources and that is the most damning aspect of Bruce's reign at the Villa. He is still currently manager of Villa by default because I am in no doubt that if Xia had been the multi millionaire we all thought him to be Bruce would still be on a beach or tending to his garden.
  17. In my opinion would be as big a loss to the team as Grealish. Just shaded Jack as player of the season and Villa should not sell him shy of 15m.
  18. This has probably been mentioned before but rather than selling our best players why doesn't Xia propose selling part of the club to the fans to keep the club afloat? Then the fans elect a representative to be on the board?
  19. I actually mentioned this ages ago that this would be the type of deal Bruce would sanction if still manager. To reiterate. Any type of deal for Grealish including Onomah as a make weight would leave Levy and the Spurs fan base laughing all the way to the bank.
  20. Well going on results Villa’s U23s seem to be pretty good at it.
  21. I'm a fan of Bjarnason but around a 4m profit in the club's current plight cannot be sniffed at.
  22. If the player doesn’t want to go then Villa can’t sell him.
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