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Everything posted by AJ

  1. I think its called a Sobby No Planno
  2. Back to our regular program...yay. Those cheese puns were getting too cheesy and on the nose.
  3. " Excuse me, miss, but you look like Henri Lansbury." # failedpickuplines
  4. I admit, I liked Gabby, and especially enjoyed watching him during the MON days. I never fully bought into the " Gabby is a prick" thought process, as there was too much to contradict that. However, since then during a spluttering inconsistent career, I came to the conclusion that his time was over, and would have been happier to see RHM get some game time instead. It seems that his "replacement" is more of a prick than Gabby was.
  5. It has been reported that somebody broke into Birmingham City FC and stole the entire contents from the trophy cabinet. A suspect was witnessed running from the scene with a piece of blue carpet.
  6. Johnstone....? Landsbury...? Brady....? Brie....? ....Present!
  7. Last night I dreamt I was being chased around and around this table by an angry naked trolley boy with a frying pan wedged up to the hilt in his ass demanding I pay him back his eight dollars when a hole opened up and I fell into a pit of warm melted banana ice cream. From what I took from that, Benteke was signing for us next week.
  8. I believe it was the Norwich game that is being mentioned from last season. Gabby scored as a result from a really lovely through ball from Veretout.
  9. Season 5 of Vikings starts here on Thursday. I enjoy it and I am looking forward to it. I like the characters and the fight scenes, even though it comes across as a poor man's Game of Thrones. What is everyone else's take on the show?
  10. If he wants to dick Villa around, I think the club should return the favour. Draw up a new contract, only offer much less.
  11. Totally cool. Kudos to you for setting up the gag anyway.
  12. If it is certain for a fact he is dicking Villa around, then I hope he boards the next express train to obscurity.
  13. I would give my left arm to be ambidextross, and my right arm to be able to spell it.
  14. Apologies for my vagueness, SGC. My post wasnt a reflection on Bostocks talent, but more in reference to how Bostock left Crystal Palace, The way Bostock and his family went about it is kind of familiar, with a bit of Delphstyle thrown in.
  15. A year ago, with time, patience and application, RHM had a promising future career. Now, he is becoming another John Bostock.
  16. Agree with you about Rogic muchly, KSV. Unfortunately, I think he has got alot of time left on his contract with Celtic.However Mooy was very ordinary in Melbourne and Thailand.
  17. Milligan is crap, and for the record, so is Mooy.
  18. How about this guy? Morgan Sanson. 22 yo. Former France U19 and U21 midfielder. Valued at 4.25m pound. Contracted to Montpellier until June 2018. Cue obligatory youtube video complete with irritating backtrack... OK. Not a goalscorer, with only 3 in 19 this season, and 7 assists. Plusses for this guy is he doesnt have the body of a 12 year old boy, so he is quite effective defensively. Constantly moving. Excellent passing. Also seems quite adept with interceptions, so he can read play. He is not Jordan Veretout. Sanson seems to be the type who goes looking for work. Worth considering?
  19. I liked him, but early on in his Villa career, alot didnt rate him. Too lightweight and went missing, apparently. If its a fault, I apologise for the stretched comparison. Anyway enough about Delph. Not going to happen. I dont like seeing his name stain this great thread.
  20. Why not? Become captain, sign a new contract, profess love and loyalty for Villa, then within 24 hours, piss off back to Crewe.
  21. Yes, Delph is a good player, because Villa showed patience and developed him into a good player. I remember when he first started getting games, he was yesterday's Westwood, but he eventually got there. If we signed Delph he would definitely improve our midfield. But, if we do sign Delph, it would say to everyone including Fabian Delph that Fabian Delph is bigger than Aston Villa. It would cost Villa its pride, and if we only cared about results,then we should all quit supporting Villa and just become glory hunters. Its never going to happen anyway, but if in some strange world he signed Delph, then I would want Bruce out.
  22. I think he pulls it off too. His hair looks like its full of rocket polish. Normal people use a kleenex.
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