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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. I was hoping it was because they had too many characters to introduce in the pilot and that it would settle but episode two was worse than one. The characters are all morons as well and I feel it is being aimed at kids (hence the hammy acting and awful dialogue).
  2. Watched the first two episodes of DC Legends of Tomorrow and far from impressed. Bad acting, direction and writing. The Marvel shows are so much better. I think I'll add Better Call Saul to the list as everybody appears to be raving about it.
  3. This and the Suarez example above is the main reason I prefer the Togga game. No carbon copy teams and having to have certain players just to stay in touch. Plus match ups area an interesting element and add a nice competitive edge and bragging rights. I'm going through the motions on my normal game and barely making changes.
  4. Alexandra Daddario is stunning.
  5. Where would 1630 put me in the Villatalk league?
  6. Don't you worry, it's gonna be alright. I'll be there, I'll be ready.
  7. Grimm is good. Probably sits somewhere between Buffy and Supernatural. This 100 gets a bit silly after season one, it's still watchable but Clark becomes very annoying.
  8. Reason I asked was whilst looking for inspiration on how to mix my routine up, I'd seen a number of exercise routines online and they all had the big lifts at the end. Started to get a complex I was doing things backwards.
  9. I'm curious what people's routines are when working out, with regards to when they do the big/heavy/compound exercises (squats/DL's/bench etc) during their session. Do people do them at the end and build up to them or earlier in the session and then do the lighter weight exercises afterwards? I prefer doing them earlier as I feel my form is terrible if I do it at the end.
  10. Donnie Yen's Ip Man is very good, so good I watched some of the other Ip Man films by other people. That was a mistake. He wasn't great in 'legend of the fist: the return of chen zen' but that might been because the whole film was bad. He does deserve to properly break Hollywood though.
  11. That sounds like it could cause some serious damage in the long term. Vertebrae and snap are two words you never want together.
  12. Watched 'Night of the wolf: last phases' on Netflix. Interesting idea for for a werewolf film having the hero be an old blind guy. Started strongly but went down hill very quickly.
  13. Watched the first episode of Narcos today, looks pretty good.
  14. The trailer alone gave me nightmares.
  15. Giving Sabotage a go. Arnie looks so old. I've heard very bad things about Noah.
  16. Any recommendations for a film to watch on Netflix? Any genre (but chick flick or documentary) and something not too obvious preferred as I've seen most of what Netflix would recommend for me.
  17. I just saw the trailer on facebook and was about to post it here. It looks awful and unfunny. I can't stand wiig, she is one dimensional and it's not even a good one. McCarthy can be funny at times though, as long as she isn't just doing 'I'm fat and gross'.
  18. Not seen it since I was a teenager and had a big thing for Denise (Wilds Things) Richards but just googled Dizz as I couldn't remember the actress and was very pleasantly suprised. Might need to watch the film again.
  19. Don't get embarrassed about not being superman and lifting a huge amount, everybody starts somewhere and if you keep at it the weight will increase. Everybody has to lift small weights at times, I remember reading an article about James Haskell (the England rugby player) being in the gym and struggling with 1kg dumbbell curls after injuring his bicep. Are you stretching after the workout?
  20. Is that the one where Cruise gets killed about 1000 times or the one with Morgan Freeman leading a human rebellion whilst Cruise just flies a plane about.
  21. If your muscles are that sore then skip the gym and go another day. It's better to miss one session then to tear a muscle and do serious injury and subsequently miss a lot of sessions. Listen to your body.
  22. I'm slowly getting there with the home gym but it has cost a lot of money and does take up a lot of space. I do prefer going to the gym though as I'm more likely to do more, I have more options and can get someone to spot me when needed. Maybe try doing dead lifts on back day instead, I struggle to do both squats and DL on the same day.
  23. If you had cancer you wouldn't worry about taking meds. My hayfever is so bad that in summer that I physically cannot leave the house in summer without taking meds. Try thinking of it along those lines so that it doesn't worry you too much. If you still struggle with it then talk to your GP again, it is what they are there for and there are alternative therapies out there that might work better for you.
  24. I was resistant to going to a GP and getting diagnosed, I think I didn't want to make it official and thought I could just ignore it. I only went when my wife forced me and yes in some ways it was crushing to have my concerns confirmed but in a greater way it was liberating to know that there was actually something wrong and that I could start to do something about it. Mental health is a tricky one due to the stigma, you would go see a doctor if you broke your leg and that's the way people need to start seeing depression/anxiety etc. It's not something to be feared or an admission of weakness, it is a sickness and can hit anybody no matter who they are or how successful or strong they are. I sometimes think that it is a bit like an addiction, the first step is admitting it to yourself, realising you can do something about it and asking for help. Yes there might be some stigma to it but you don't have to make it public if you don't want to and what is worse; a bit of stigma or letting something take over and ruin your life? If you don't want to see a GP and to try counselling or more medication, you could try taking some Saint John's Wort tablets thta are available in any pharmacy or Boots. I know people they work for.
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