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Everything posted by Kiwivillan

  1. Turns out his rubbish Fbref stats were a reliable indicator after all
  2. Tammy has been a flop since left us. I think he scored 7 in 8 in Chelsea then blanked for nearly rest of the season
  3. He's on 100k a week. They gave them lower wages but on long 8 year contract
  4. Banter rumour surely. I just saw the videos of Barkley walking past Rashford and still the other day Jagielka picks Maguire Shaw and Rashford in his England XI team. Absolute joke
  5. Absolute shithole against Bournemouth and Fulham and beat us home and away. Makes no sense EDIT: Just remembered Torres didn't feature in either game
  6. Statically I think we're not bad and assume would be pure profit as signed on a free and on highest wages in the club
  7. I think either us or them winning or a draw we'll both drop points along the way. A win would be ideal obviously
  8. I've wanted Everton relegated ever since we went down so they can lose never been relegated from PL status
  9. The Rat was in refs face trying to get Tocin yellow upgraded to red. Wish refs would card him
  10. Watching delayed screening of Manure Fulham game. No red for Maguire is a shocker
  11. Aaaaaand always look on the dark side of life
  12. So he's Cameron Archer?
  13. Paella tomorrow and he'll be as right as rain
  14. They have lots of revenue but recently bought Rice and Havertz for £170m. I'd imagine they're one of the alleged 80% of PL teams that were worried about P&S. I think City and Spurs are 2 that aren't so that leaves 2 more which could be Arsenal
  15. We made bids for JWP who'd signed a 5 year deal 6 months earlier and a Southampton source said no approach had been made to the club
  16. Definitely like all the times bids were definitely made for players and club sources say no bid has been made
  17. I think Arsenal can't afford him and the whole chatter before is made up bollocks
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