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Everything posted by Kiwivillan

  1. WHAAAT? He scored 6 in first half of first season and many were saying trash then scored 13 more 2nd half of season. He had injury second season from memory was out for loads of games and was never the same again. He was definitely not dogshit EDIT: Sorry @ThunderPower_14 I misread
  2. Had $20 bet with Manc at pub the other night that we'd finish above them then as night wore on he told me he's a Member of the travelling community. Good for the handshake bet so Edit: Interesting. I was typing out member of... and got lazy and used the 5 letter term and was replaced with phrase I was going to type out. Nice
  3. How did you hear my motivational speech to myself on the toilet this morning?
  4. Oh yeah. Didn't realize wasn't full time and whoscored hadn't updated table yet. Good stuff
  5. Some told you so people jumped on when Archer scored early on for Blades and have been very quiet after he's done f all since
  6. Won't ever miss his pass to opposition that leads to goal
  7. Henderson. Studs up two-footed off the ground
  8. What about Digne for Rogers and push Moreno forward?
  9. You don't think the 50 million would be useful for PSR reasons?
  10. I'll take a win against Spurs and Ajax
  11. Yes you can. Ridiculous and soon enough they'll have run out of games to bridge what is currently a 12pt gap because we're more than 20 goal difference better off
  12. As @R.Bear pointed out previously Bailey was poor in his first season but came good
  13. Only vital 3pts match winning cross
  14. They might as well just AI generate rumours now and save money
  15. The silly Chelsea overpaying is over now
  16. Works in other sports. Problem is would have to be Europe wide
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