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Everything posted by DakotaVilla

  1. Of course he will be needed. Watkins won’t play every minute of every game.
  2. Sounds like they’ve dealt with it for now. Hopefully he can get some meaningful minutes before the Europa starts up again.
  3. I really can’t wait until this thread is on page three.
  4. Yes. I would bet against us It would be a dream come true but would be miraculous if it happened. If anything we should be more worried about securing top 4. Spurs are strengthening and one of us, Spurs and Arsenal is going to miss out unless the 5th place is secured.
  5. We’re not going to win the title so that’s moot. If at his age he gets offered a 3/4 year contract tax free on 200k a week he’ll be on the first plane out of Birmingham Deal doesn’t make sense for us though unless it’s a big transfer fee circa 15 to 20m. That then gives us scope under FFP to get a replacement left back this window (if target available) and land another target.
  6. We will have at least three kits next year so plenty of scope to have one that is a modern take on a vintage/retro design and hopefully one that it is very modern and fresh. Really looking forward to the new kits as we’ve had some absolute junk since the halcyon days of the Luke Roper kits.
  7. The ongoing delay in announcing the crest is telling. Clearly they are going through the pros and cons of the various options available. The longer the delay continues the more likely it is that Heck’s crest has been binned and in reality they don’t have any other option. It’s clear that the vast majority of fans don’t like it so whichever way you cut it any launch would be a failure (and hugely embarrassing) with another rebrand required as soon as heck moves onto another role somewhere else.
  8. At this stage I don’t even really care about the specifics anymore. Just something well designed that we can all be proud of.
  9. And heck would have done the vast majority of that.
  10. Nas definitely would have needed to step in due to the timelines. Considering the kit issues with Castore only really escalated in late September (before the women’s start of the season) this has moved at a ridiculous pace to a, get out of the contract with Castore amicably and to get Adidas onboarded. Typically the contracting alone would probably take longer than the 3 months they’ve had to get this over the line and by all accounts onto a normal kit development timeline. However, I’m sure Heck would have played a vital role in these very complex discussions and it’s very churlish to suggest he’s just doing his job. Normally you probably negotiate these contacts 12/18mts+ out. I’ve been one of his most vocal critics re the crest but he and Nas have played an absolute blinder here (assuming the commercials stack up).
  11. Sawiris would have clearly opened the door with his connections at Adidas and requested priority support at board level. However the negotiation would have been likely left to Heck with Nas supporting informally in the background. Let’s wait until we see the details of the commercial deal to see how close we are to the deal that Newcastle got but it would be churlish to not give Heck any credit for this. It’s a huge step in the right direction.
  12. I have been scathing of Heck on the crest but if this is resolved as Bardell has suggested then we have to give Heck some serious credit. Others that are involved in kit manufacturing are better placed than me to comment but I would imagine securing a new global kit supplier at very short notice within a couple of months and without having your pants pulled down commercially is difficult enough. To get a kit worthy of your 150th year at the same time speaks to a job very well done. Yes, there were things in his favour but I think executing this would have required some very serious effort.
  13. Great to hear these positive comments from Dan and Jacob. A nice kit is more important than the crest in many ways. Especially for the 150 anniversary year. Also huge credit to Heck if he has managed to pull this off at such short notice. Getting out of the Castore deal, getting a new supplier onboarded, with a nice kit designed and a much better financial deal is exactly the kind of win he needs. Hopefully he sorts out the crest and can then build from there.
  14. Who knows what Heck told the FA. We’ve already established he had lied to the fans so it’s not a reach to suggest that he may have misled the FA. Either way the rules are there to protect heritage assets and it’s obvious to a blind dog that this crest won’t be accepted. If he proceeds to try to launch the crest through arrogance there will be a very public and embarrassing reaction from the fanbase - with complaints to the FA - which it’s going to be very, very difficult for him to come back from. The only realistic option the club has I think considering kit deadlines etc that others have mentioned is to stick with the roundel for another season. If we really can’t live with it then just announce an extended consultation and do it properly and announce it as part of the 150 year celebrations in a far more thoughtful and considered way. Once we have the majority aligned then proceed with the brand refresh.
  15. I would also be very interested in his view on the comments released by MOMS back in June pertaining to Heck. I.e. did he say in that FAB meeting that he wasn’t a fan of the roundlet crest due to lack of uniqueness?
  16. A hard no to Henderson. His decision will haunt him professionally and there will be a media circus at every game. We just don’t need the hassle.
  17. I have zero expectations for the kit next season based on what the club has done recently with kits and branding. I’m genuinely worried that they are coming to come out with some disgusting monstrosity.
  18. So do you speak for the majority of the fanbase instead?
  19. I’ve just looked back at what was said after the FAB in June that Heck attended. These are comments that were released by My Old Man Said at the time: “The badge though is the big talking point. The new badge that was created under Purslow will be rolled out on the shirts, but held back from any other branding. In short, Heck isn’t too impressed by the potential of the badge and its lack of uniqueness compared to the rest of the Premier League…. While the badge is fine on a 7/10 kind of level, Heck and the owners are very much looking at the big picture. It is not exactly differentiating the club as unique or special to a potential new international fanbase. Heck stated in the meeting he wanted to see how the badge was received over the season, before making any moves.“ If we take what Heck said at face value to the FAB then his concerns were purely branding based. He also changed his mind very quickly on the timeline for making any moves…..
  20. There’s something else going on with the North stand I think. Just the timing of the new minority shareholders, the north stand announcement, zero consultation or discussion with Andy Street’s office etc. None of it passes the sniff test. At the end of the day the club can’t be completely transparent with us on everything so I would understand if he’s playing his cards close to his chest re such a big project. Time will tell what’s really going on at the moment with the North Stand.
  21. There is no way in the world he would have been given any sensitive data until he signed his contract and had started his role. That’s just basic employment law. At the end of the day it’s all conjecture so we can either believe that a, Heck did this as his first act because of self imposed cost constraints or b, he just thought he could do better and totally and utterly buggered it up, as he buggered up the AV150 mark, and as he buggered up the Holte suite etc etc etc.
  22. The crest was basically pulled on May 23rd. That was when it was due to be formally launched and that was pulled at the last minute, literally days after Heck was appointed on 17th May.
  23. I respect the arguments made but I refuse to believe cost was a factor in the crest redesign. Heck pulled the roundel immediately on arrival so he had no time to undertake any proper ROI due diligence. Also the owners have never held back any investment, they were hardly going to start pinching pounds on the clubs new branding.
  24. Players are going on winter holidays after Everton as well apparently so great opportunity to go 100% against them and then for them to recover in warmer climes.
  25. There is a bigger elephant in the room now as well. We know for a fact that Heck has actively lied to the FAB and the fans. That lack of integrity is what probably pushed the members of the FAB to complain to the FA. There is a more detailed post on My Old Man but it’s clear that there was no consultation with the FAB. The crest was logged with the IPO before the meeting with the FAB. Heck’s pre Christmas video was also full of lies saying the crest is now with the fans and it’s for them to decide etc etc when it was nothing of the sort. It does beg the question how we as a fan base can trust anything he says going forward.
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