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Everything posted by villakram

  1. The Biden/Dem kabuki theatre in full flow. It's Manchins fault thought, honest. Enjoy your neo-lib policies from the neo-lib politicians. What a surprise.
  2. That was a truly epic card. Was there and there was maybe 30s of cat calling during the early Randy Costa fight when he boneheadedly decided to grapple. His girl was behind us and the groan she let out when he did that was so telling. Kept pulling loudly for her man after though, star. Tua/Sugar and Pena stole the show. Security had to physically push/escort Tua out of the arena to stop him taking beer form fans, hilarious. Great main card fight with a hell for leather first round in the main event. Great to see Olivera finally getting some recognition.
  3. To add to this, in the US one can ask a general/average gun owner and they would have little problem with large weapons that are not non-cartridge vanilla rifles or shotguns being banned. Handguns are a different discussion (and the most problematic thing imho), as they are easy to bring into a personal safety/emotive discussion, e.g., I believe Chicago is up to ~4000 shooting incidents so far this year and are on track for record homicides too. The year 2020 had a very high number of homicides nationally and a record in recent decades, though with population growth, the percentage growth may not have been so drastic. During the large scale "mostly peaceful" protests last year, there were record numbers of applications for pistol background checks from new applicants.
  4. One of the things lost in this is the role of the local government. They essentially stood down the police, such that small business were having to camp out in their businesses overnight with their own guns to protect their livelihood, as so many buildings were being burned/looted. This happened for long enough, that out of state militia/patriot types volunteered to come and assist. Hence, Mr. Rittenhouse. The motivations of the other chaps could be described as BLM protesting, but rioting also works. Again, had the police been deployed to enforce the law, these lads would have been at home acting like clowns in moms basement. Hopefully, local electorates will take note in coming years.
  5. Unfortunately, the current covid "fascism" is only entrenching and re-enforcing the 2A freedom against tyranny argument for the gun folks and anyone who is sympathetic to them. No chance of change in the short to medium term.
  6. Yup, exonerated. Good spot. Fascinating feels like a good description, yet one that totally underwhelms on the actual happenings, with Hoover doing all sorts at FBI, and the red scare implanted in the nations mind.
  7. Worth pointing out the remaining living "Killer" of Malcom X, now in his 80s was freed this week. FBI etc. involved in all sorts of shady things during that investigation trial. Who knows what they were doing in the lead up to the murder, his and all the other black leadership exterminated during this period.
  8. Depends on what that last B stands for...
  9. The house have finally gotten around to passing the neo-lib version of the BBB bill. Let the senate fun and games begin.
  10. Exactly, e.g., loads of Europeans (Old Empires) were worried about American economic hegemony long before the calendar struck 1900 A.D.
  11. Bosnia is the Balkans. American geography strikes again... or perhaps you've been reading some of the excellent WWI books released in recent years and become a little over enthusiastic.
  12. The new Bond is rubbish. Even the Hot Shots folks didn't take the piss out of Commando this much.
  13. Maybe... but if the economy keeps this up for too much longer, then the disaffection will stain the dems well into the 2024 election cycle. Biden doesn't have a lot of control over things here, but much as Covid did for Trump, this long overdue inflation impulse may do for Biden/Harris.
  14. What's your opinion on the nice chap that had his arm severed, who admitted during the trial to having a gun in his hand, and this after he attacked Rittenhouse... something backed by fresh video angles of the incident I might add. This is much murkier than the simple picture blasted all over the media at the time of the incident.
  15. They should have held this over him, plenty of precedent for that, but now they have given him and that political movement the fight they want. He was back on TV this evening, loving it.
  16. The way he shafted Fowler out of pool... no idea how he is held in such high regard. McAllister is a great add. Hopefully, we can get a bit of luck the first few weeks and really get to see what these lads can do.
  17. Solid appointment, somewhat of a pity though as the Lampard car crash would have been more entertaining.
  18. Exactly, e.g., a cup of lukewarm/burnt coffee has risen by 20-30c in the last 2 months. I can list a zillion other everyday things. Of course, such small things never impact those in congress, but absolutely hammers the lower & middle classes.
  19. Not a smart move by the Dems. The Streisand effect.
  20. It doesn't address half of what is needed. Less than half of the bill is for actual infrastructure and enough of that is already pork. The rest is politics. He couldn't get it done as the Dems went all republican and made sure they would not vote for any such legislative victory from Trump, which was completely fair given republican behavior towards Obama. The congress was against Trump, e.g., Mitch can't stand him. Hence, the only thing they could get done was tax cuts for the wealthy. Neo-lib policy objective #1.
  21. Please show the data to back that statement up. We have almost no idea how these medicines interact with human biology that is changing so rapidly as that in a child, e.g., it will take us 10-25 years to determine if there was some systematic IQ (for example) or other effect. We have no idea (the same applies with covid of course). We do know that the covid risk to children is tiny, far less risky than the flu for example. This is not a simple thing, and to condemn this woman for giving reasonable advice is such an exemplar of so much that is worrying about the current time.
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