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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. That was all a bit Leslie Knope (Except for Leslie Knope being a caring, kind, compassionate person of course)
  2. To be fair, the idea that the whole universe is holographic is a proper scientific hypothesis about how 3 dimensions can be encoded into 2 dimensional space. What isn't a possibility is everything being real except the moon which is a holographic projection from some device owned by the Illuminati.
  3. My understanding is that there is overwhelming evidence these days that in fact it's a hologram, projected into the sky by nefarious powers in order to... keep us all in the dark about something for some obviously rational reason.
  4. VAR shambles here. Simple offside check taking minutes on end.
  5. Are they going to find that they in fact do have confidence in themselves and that in fact everything is ok?
  6. Pretty incredible image. Loads of gravitationally lensed galaxies. All sorts of incredibly distant galaxies with some amazing looking spirals in there. Probably loads of other things I don't understand. Will definitely need experts to analyse and explain the finer details of it!
  7. Jesus... Our ladies are really good aren't they?
  8. Norway might as well take their defence off and play with seven players on the pitch.
  9. Train drivers going on strike over pay. Not sure they'll get the same level of public support to be honest. Be interesting to see what Labour has to say about it.
  10. Joe Biden releasing the first proper photo from the JWST tonight at (if I've got my timezones correct) 10pm. This is ahead of the main release of initial images tomorrow. Should be pretty spectacular.
  11. Where do you draw the line between lobbying and bribery? In the US I can see there being a more significant difference given the crazy campaign seasons and how funds raised through lobbying can be spent on that, but in this country I'm less clear on the difference...
  12. Given the current state of the crypto world I'm surprised any of them can afford £10m
  13. Slightly sad that my niche drumming accessory joke doesn't seem to have gained any traction.
  14. What did they do? Fail to have warning triangles in the boot?
  15. Especially as the car is refusing downshifts if the revs are not in the right place because the throttle is stuck down.
  16. How difficult would it be to drive an F1 car where you have to hook your foot under the accelerator pedal and lift it up?
  17. Thought sainz was either going to catch fire or leave his car to roll back onto the track then!
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