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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. Maybe over Black Sabbath , in fact , definitely over Black Sabbath .
  2. The Billy Ocean thing is not my doing ( honestly) . But I take full credit for the bottom track ,please enjoy .
  3. With the" right manager" and right style of football, this kid will blossom .
  4. Had them in my acc ,kiss of death.
  5. Was a time when these two were the two top teams in the country . I remember the Wednesday night game which was being labelled the title decider , couldn't get in due to a full house ,had to stand a top Aston Park, anyway despite an absolute second half onslaught we got beat 2 - 1 ,incidentally they done the treble over us that season but when it came to the crunch we wasn't found wanting and the rest ,as they say, is history.
  6. At the rate we're going it will be more a push for mid - table mediocrity.
  7. It's not exactly TV, but it's not radio ,it's dogging videos ,becoming frightenedly addictive ,oh well ,if its good enough for Stan it's good enough for me.
  8. Be careful Jack ,nature abhors a vacuum, you just might be starting to fill the void left by Westwood . Just look out for them signs : " beware of the fickle " .
  9. Whatever the motive ,I very much doubt it prevented them putting that belt proudly round their waist .
  10. Looking forward in seeing the evolution of Andrew Selby's career. Could potentially be one of the best boxer's to grace these shores .
  11. It might be considered a stepping stone, but it's one some great boxers have stood on , May weather, Hatton and Chavez ,just to name a few .
  12. Best post I've read on this thread , some nice relief from all the pedantic crap I'm having to read in defence of this seemingly useless manager of ours . Look at the managerial changes Spurs went through before getting Pochettino . Just a thought ,but here's hoping .
  13. In my opinion he shouldn't have been appointed in the first place ,just like when he was at Sunderland he seems out of his depth .
  14. Could turn out to be as bad as an appointment as Mcleish ,or even worse . We need a manager who is going to bring success to this club . Look at Rafa, he's coasting in this league , why ? Because he's a top manager , and that is what this club deserves . All this talk of a short term fix is crazy
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