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Everything posted by 7392craig

  1. We can't hang on to our best players forever. Especially when he can slot in to so many prem teams and improve them.
  2. I really don't think Delph is that good at all, I think he'd stand out in this division, but not that much. I can't see him him grabbing a load of goals and assists.
  3. I as a villa fan, and many others on here, would not take him back. Also, as I said, what has he done to contribute? How many games has he played? They deemed him good enough to purchase but not good enough to actually play? Teams in the top 6 often buy players from lower teams then never play them. Do I think he's good enough to play for us? Of course, he might be bang average but we're mid table championship. I wouldn't want him back because I think he's a snake. But even taking that aside, the fact that me and you are debating this is the exact proof of what my point was, that him coming back would cause turmoil amongst the fans, something we really don't need any more of.
  4. That's true. But I think most of us on VT could have won POTY in that team. Also I may be wrong but how many games did he actually contribute in his 'challenge' for the title? I feel it was another case of big teams buying smaller teams better players for the sake of it. Let's not forget the mighty Scott Sinclair 'challenged' for the title at City.
  5. I imagine he wants to sign for us as much as we want him back. He really is somebody who is stagnating as a player on the bench. Now he is the example of a player you could do better than with half the wages, not Terry.
  6. He was a good player for us during a bad time. Now whether you feel his move was justified or not, most people hated/hate the way it all went down. Him coming here would cause so much controversy and conflict between the fans. Now that we're finally settling down as fans, not overhauling the squad and starting to look forward, I'd rather we didn't sign Delph and upset the apple cart.
  7. I've said it before, he won't allow players around him to drop their heads when things aren't going our way. 100% behind this.
  8. Not worth worrying about if we don't sign him. If we do sign him then he's chose us, so we should get behind him like any other one of our players. No use complaining before he's even kicked a ball for us yet. If at the end of the season he's only managed a few games or his standards really have dropped, then it's a case of a gamble that hasn't payed off. I'd rather sign him than someone whose just another championship defender not good enough to play in the prem. Let's remember that Chelsea were still debating not long ago whether to give him another years contract, so he can't be that bad. Certainly leaps and bounds better than any other mid table championship teams defenders.
  9. Couldn't agree more. I'm not sure what that starting line-up was all about the other day. Seems like England managers at any level try to find new and inventive ways of not playing their strongest 11.
  10. Well it sounds like whatever move he makes, it's mostly for football reasons. He said last week that all the ex-players he's spoken to, they've told him to go somewhere and play for as long as he can.
  11. Completely agree, but I suppose it's part and parcel of the game for us fans.
  12. Think of all the times we've watched our players heads drop for one reason or another. At the very least Terry would help put a stop to that.
  13. If it's true we're getting Terry then I'm happy. If there is anybody in the team that isn't pulling their weight, he'll drag them by the scruff of the neck and get them moving. I know he's a tosser in general, but he's a role model when it comes to the actual game. Also, the grief I got off all the noses at work about them signing him from right under us would make it all the sweeter.
  14. Poor game today, but I guess derby games are as teams tend to be a bit cagey, not wanting to lose. But the noses were just as shit as us so.... Thought gabby really changed the game today when he came on. Chester and Baker were excellent for me.
  15. I don't care either, my point is that given that is the standard of some strikers in this league, players would rather play against them than Gabby. Whilst gabby only has pace, strikers like Graham and Fletcher offer virtually nothing at this stage of their careers. Hence why teams set up with Gabby in mind.
  16. That's very true, and while this doesn't happen any more, teams have still sat much deeper when he's played. I think that's the point mikeyp was trying to make.
  17. Wasn't that Costa? If so, he's the lad on loan from Benfica, who they want something like £15 million for. If we've got that sort of money for a winger I'd love us to get him, but I think he's more likely to go to a prem team or stay on at Wolves.
  18. Considering Danny Graham and Steven Fletcher are strikers in this league, I imagine there are still a few teams that rather wouldn't play against Gabby.
  19. True, but perhaps Amavi could be the competition for that place? Or perhaps I'm just talking out my arse and this is all fantasy. But either way I think we'll be keeping Amavi in the starting 11, providing he keeps performing.
  20. A lovely read, hopefully this allays any fears that he's about to leave. It seems the lad is trying to become what we're asking him to be. At this moment in time it's all we can ask.
  21. And he was one of the most professional and hard working midfielders I've ever seen at the Villa. Granted, the 98' season is the first year I can remember and I'm sure many posters will remember others. I'm certainly not suggesting Amavi will become a captain CM, but a high standard LW is not out of the question with his capabilities and two new CM who seem to know how to do their job.
  22. I do believe I've seen him play LW under Bruce but when that was I don't remember. He certainly has the attributes, he's one of the few players in our squad capable of crossing the ball and beating his marker. I think he's done a fairly good job at LB but I personally would prefer to see him pushed forward. Some great midfielders have started out as defenders, I believe Barry started as a LB for us didn't he?
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