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Everything posted by 7392craig

  1. I genuinely think McCormack is the player for the no 10 role. He's intelligent enough to do it and has the movement. Whether his head is right or if Bruce just doesn't want him are yet to be seen.
  2. How do you turn every thread into the Agbonlahor thread? He was talking about Richards. ON TOPIC: I think Bruce is doing this the only way he knows how, it's worked in the past. It will be crap football but it will accumulate points. (Hopefully)
  3. In the back of my head I was thinking carbonara, not sure how racist that is. Loved Carbone when I was a kid.
  4. Don't answer to trolling, it encourages further trolling. Last week it was Bacuna who was our best player, now it's Amavi, next week it'll be Richards
  5. Oh I wish we would be. But then again he'd be 'too old'
  6. John Terry, so good you have to name him twice.
  7. Bruce out! How can we expect to get promoted with a 65 year old defender. I like Gabby/I don't like Gabby! (That's about everything wrapped up, I'd let that sink in and turn around while you still can)
  8. Tbf it's the same for almost any club in the championship. Xia's not done anything he shouldn't have. Almost every club in our division is heavily restricted, I don't believe any of them have a summer where FFP does not impact their transfers.
  9. I can't imagine that the players in question were so easily offended.
  10. Not really, but you're hungry for another an hour later.
  11. I've heard we might be signing an oriental player, but that might just be a Chinese wispa. Am I too late to the party?
  12. Had a dream last night that he started first game of the season on the right wing (shudder). Agree that he lacks quality, but if everybody in the team put in his effort we'd have finished a lot higher up the league last season. Would be happy to see him leave, but would still look back on his time here with some twisted form of fondness.
  13. Transfers I'm all for Terry, not so much Whelan. All I ask is that we bring someone in who we trust enough to play the DM role so that CH and HL can attack more. Not fussed with left wing, I want to see Green starting games this season.
  14. WAS he any good for us? Also, if I remember correctly, he wanted to leave after we dropped down.
  15. No I definitely remember that one, this was different one. I can't think who it was against, but he didn't even pass it back, he fell over before he made contact.
  16. D) Think it was the season we came down, he turned around to pass the ball to the keeper and fell over. The striker ran on with the ball and scored one on one with the keeper. Remember my old man going bonkers about him for about half an hour after.
  17. I do think he's one of the worst players we've had for a few years. He excels at nothing, and he's lazy most of the time, also he has a terrible habit of giving the ball away. But you'll hear no argument from me in regards to his adaptability, he can be shoehorned into several positions quite easily which is useful. Also, the fact that we payed something like £1million for him means I think we've definitely had our money's worth just during the times when we have had injuries. My issue is with the post saying he's premier league quality who would improve teams such as West Ham and Newcastle. It's laughable at best.
  18. I'm sorry, I can't agree when you've put 'bacuna' and 'creativity' in the same argument.
  19. I agree that the period in question was his best time at the Villa, but it certainly didn't last long and has never shown a single glimpse of returning since. Also, you'd be hard pushed to find a single poster on VT, or at Villa park for that matter, who'd agree that Bacuna has played with passion during his time here. Which suggests you might be wrong on this one.
  20. I'll give the Villa £20, a box of ferrero roscher with only one missing and a photo of Demi Rose my mate has taped to the wall at work. I think it's a good offer and I need somebody to wash my car.
  21. Adomah got more assists last season than Bacuna has in his whole Villa career lol And Leandro's glittering 213 appearances have culminated in a whopping 7 goals, now Adomah did only get 3 himself but I'm sure after 213 games for us he'd be above 7. I assume you only call him passionate because he pushed a linesman over, because the amount of times I've seen him give the ball away in our 3rd of the pitch to only walk back instead of chasing the man and ultimately watch the keeper picking the ball out of the net suggests he doesn't give much of a shit.
  22. Bacuna genuinely doesn't have any of those attributes. I don't think people are trying to put your opinion down, he just simply doesn't have them. I think you've been watching a different player. Look closer, does the shirt say Adomah?
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