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Everything posted by leighavfc

  1. Efl have appealed the decision not to punish them recently
  2. Well just got back from a bike ride in Sutton park, some observations...... Very busy today, most people walking, jogging or riding bikes.... amongst the people exercising are people taking the piss.... A couple having a bbq .. several lads in 2 cars standing around smoking weed together... 2 elderly couples pull up greet each other then walk off together with their dogs. Several big parties of people walking together! Just phoned my mom who lives near one of the other entrances.. she says the car park is rammed full, golfers on the closed golf course.. Why cant people just do as they are told too? This next phase of lockdown will be coming for sure the way its going.
  3. I wish the sister in law would mate honestly... she a word removed
  4. Problem is if i do that i genuinely wont be able to contain my anger and probably end up doing something twice as stupid to be honest. I just dont know what to do, mother in law just gives in and says i dont want to talk about it ti the Mrs who is obviously livid about it. Im hoping i can get through to the father in law whilst he is at work as he will lay down the law without me having to go anywhere near the house.....
  5. Another sister in law tale...... she has invited her f*****g boyfriend over to her moms house tonight. I am beyond livid... her mom has no control over her. The father in law is away at work until next week. This cannot happen the mother in law had stage 4 lymphoma last year... i just dont know what to do, neither are answering the phone to me as they have probably guessed i know and know whats coming.... i dont want to go over there as that will be as bad as them meeting.. do i ring the Police ? I say this cant happen because her mom but f**k me its illegal at the moment firstcand foremost!
  6. Yes agreed, i love it. Finished series 2 already, so gripping!! Quite funny too, although so easily could have been us!
  7. I am ao looking forward to this
  8. Im with you mate, im working the be happy bit out in my head at the moment. This lockdown might inadvertently just push me a little more towards being happy and into making a decsion of been brewing on for a while now!
  9. This is why il be moving to work with the machines if i have another day like today!!!!! Enjoy your lounge time, only time i get in mine is when im on the sofa for the night... that will be tonight
  10. Mate i think ive had enough tbh, ive had a lot of demons to deal with recently and without blowing my own trumpet ive done remarkably well. Ive proved to myself i can do it too which ive never believed in. Its been tough and ive had no support, no recognition nothing from her indoors.. and even when i have said oh its been x amount todays today i just get some half arsed answer whilst she is watching some brain dead reality tv boll*cks on the tv. Spending more time with her like i have had too past 3 weeks is absolutely driving me mental. Im not allowed to have feelings etc im a bloke.... Ive been with her just over 10 years now and tbh if things carry on the way they are then im gone as soon as this virus lockdown etc is over. I dont want to go but i have the same issues with her that ive had for years, she never listens to and adjusts just the same old bull which is all my fault apparently. Sorry for the rant!
  11. I completely see where your coming from mate and i agree, yes it does sound f****d up but it will be more f****d if the virus has killed someone so young all by itself.
  12. Anyone else literally had enough of spending so much time with their partners inside 4 walls yet? F**k me i think im going take all my stuff to work and live there from tomorrow onwards! The machines buzzing and whirring all day are 10 fold much easier to listen to and be around!
  13. Absolutely tragic mate, really messed my head up reading. Poor kid.. you just cant even begin to imagine how his family feel.
  14. Apologies if posted earlier in thread. 13 year old boys dies in London.. no underlying issues. Dies alone in hospital F**k that is so sad
  15. It was James Mclean in the bathroom with the garden file tw*terry chisel hammer thing..
  16. Absolutely , we are going to see so many things like this over the coming weeks and months!
  17. Like i said to you earlier mate i cant work the relationship out. Worrying really. But i wont say anything more than that.
  18. I have deleted any posts with a rumour or allegation that i posted in this thread thay simply cannot be confirmed 100%. This because it was rightly pointed out by a couple of people in here. Apologies there will be no more content like that from me.
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