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Everything posted by leighavfc

  1. My brother is on here lol like i said il say no more... let Villa the Police and Jack do the talking from now on
  2. Capaldi likes a drink, is always pissed up. My brother and more so his mates drink with him occasionally. This is where my info is coming from, true or not i dont know tbh. Ties in with everything else being reported though. McCormack is known to have a drink problem even whilst at Villa. As you say you got to question why Jack is knocking around with either of them!
  3. Exactly its odd. Im told Capaldi and Jack went to McCormacks together at around 9pm. I cant understand how or why Capaldi and Jack are knocking around together.
  4. But thats not the point is it... nobody does it regardless how rich you are. How many windows do you see fully open on parked cars... not mamy i guess?
  5. Exactly mate. I agree, no logic to leaving if everything was ok. Why didnt he just go back into McCormacks flat if he didnt want to be see or pictured too? He then could have spoke to police and sorted it there and then... but he didnt...
  6. Exactly.. how people think is normal is beyond me. He not only leaves the scene (regardless of leaving details) he then leaves the vehicle with a window wide open... speaks volumes to me... i must state once again that i hope im wrong... i just dont see the logic to it without thinking he panicked for a reason...
  7. Lets just say he was completely sober and it was genuinely just an accident, lets say he walled off so he wasnt to be seen anymore.. Why would you leave the window of an expensive car like that wide open? Do people do that regularly at home and when they park their cars up then? Doesnt seem right to me...
  8. For his and the clubs sake lets hope this is actually no more than him defying the orders of the government and his video message telling us to stay in. That alone is stupidity and he should know better.....
  9. The sun have gone with a front page spread about it all and a 4am party... yes i know its the Sun. It ties in with what i have posted in here and was told shortly after it happened. Obviously it cannot be 100% confirmed unless people were there but far too much smoke here. The fact he left and left the car window wide open tells me he panicked and got away. In my opinion that leaves more questions about why... Again i dont want or wish this to be true at all!!! Im going off what ive been told and my opinion based on what we know so far and what is now been reported.
  10. Yep knows Bannan too, is from Sutton i think as well. group of lads my brother drinks with know Capaldi well. This is where im getting my info from!
  11. Posted this not long after it happened. him and tony capaldi were with McCormack last night
  12. Im with you fella! I hope all this and the stuff ive posted turns out to be complete shit, i genuinely do. He is the best player ive seen at Villa in my lifetime and potentially one the best ever to play for us. I just dont see it being a prang though at this stage. Why the hell would he leave if it was just a prang? Police would have turned up quick chat, maybe a breatherlizer (common practice after an accident) and see you later. It makes no sense to leave his details and bugger off with the window of the car wide open. The word panic comes to mind, coupled with the things i have been told over the years suggests its not above board. More than happy to be proven absolutely wrong here of course!
  13. Yeah i agree but i have heard a few more things since then is what im saying. Not as frequent admittedly but the same stuff. Him drinking for days and days after the playoff final makes you wonder!!
  14. Yes was about then i would say. It was when he went to Manchester after the game instead of going back on coach with the rest of team. My sister in law had shown me pics from weeks earlier during that period of what he had been upto whilst injured... she was present with others at a hotel in town. EDIT was 2015
  15. Agreed I have heard many stories with the same accusations being made by different people on different occasions. I have not witnessed any of this or do I know him. I know people who do and know him well. No smoke without fire... I posted in this thread years ago after the Everton game fiasco and mentioned the same things.
  16. He simply wouldnt have left the scene if it was all above board...
  17. The story goes as I said earlier that him and Tony Capaldi went to Ross Mcgatemacks last night and then this happened this morning. I heard this about an hour or 2 after it happened. It came from a lad who is good mates with Capaldi, who drinks with McCormack and a Mr Barry Bannan regularly.
  18. He wouldnt have walked off and gave his details to a member of the public either!
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