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Everything posted by leighavfc

  1. Exactly this... this is no accidental prang as far as I'm concerned. F**k sake... just what we need
  2. He says no theres not as in no way, then says no way a d looks again... I've heard coke and grealish mentioned 3 or 4 times from different people in the past. Again I hope to God its bull.... I'm not sure though
  3. Just trying too now. Bare with me What's best way it's too big to upload here?
  4. Just had a video sent of press taking pics of the car..... white powder on the seats....you cant see but press are talking about it whilst looking in. Looks like it's true... will explain why he didn't stay around...
  5. Exactly they will be all on something like this after the past few weeks of non stop Coronavirus talk
  6. They were at Ross McCormacks apparently, my brothers mate drinks with Capaldi.... tenuous I know but apparently bang on true.
  7. If it is then he deserves everything all the criticism and backlash. Absolutely moronic to tell people to stay in yesterday and go out last night... I wont be defending him when the noses and Albion are taking the piss.... I hope it isn't though!! Capaldi is local, drinks in the cat and fiddle a lot. I would think the media would be on this by now if true tbh
  8. Germany are the ones to watch, how do they have so many cases (3 x UK cases), yet half the deaths we have. I have barely heard them being mentioned on the news or in articles. I'm guessing more beds and a better health service than us? I just found it staggering how they seem to be coping rather well with it compared to us with far more cases at this stage. Hopefully they get these tests available soonish, especially the antibody as that will tell us exactly where we are imo. Many of us have felt like we have had it or something similar over the last 3/4 months or so with no confirmation. I'm still hoping many of us have had it at some point and have built a little resistance towards it. I'm no medical expert by any means but I would think this would be the best case scenario until we get a vaccine for it!
  9. No way brave enough the death stare alone sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it!!!!
  10. Meanwhile over on SHA forum they are worrying about what Jack is doing now all the bars and clubs are shut.....
  11. I still see him around Sutton a lot so must be something in this!
  12. She is blatantly the super spreader at the hammers...
  13. Mainly trying not to kill the kids.....
  14. Wuhan partially reopening again now, nobody is allowed to leave the city but people are allowed to enter... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-52075022 The city in China where the coronavirus pandemic began, Wuhan, has partially re-opened after more than two months of isolation. Crowds of passengers were pictured arriving at Wuhan train station on Saturday. People are being allowed to enter but not leave, according to reports.
  15. 27 year old dad has died apparently... just 10 days after the birth of his child.. tragic..
  16. America look like they will need to Hoover all of them up if things continue the way they are... a bit Gtechnical for me to understand it all though....
  17. Ahhh I see I didn't realise there were two tests, I just presumed there was a for all test so to speak. Makes a lot more sense though for the two tests, thank you for your explanation!
  18. The only thing with all out testing is you could be tested today and pass, but tomorrow get the virus from somewhere. I think that's why it's not entirely logical to test everybody asap or when the tests are finally available etc and maybe wait until certain symptoms etc
  19. America will probably have as many deaths as most countries combined I would think! Man this virus is f****d up
  20. Dont get me wrong mate I've had plenty of fall outs with the police over the years. I have complained to the IPCC about a couple in the past. There are plenty of good ones but a very equal amount in my experience of bad ones too for various reasons.
  21. Unprecedented times unfortunately, normally I would be questioning and arguing with them if I was stopped etc. Now I'm happy to just hand them the letter and let them decide and do the checks into it themselves. It's right what they are doing imo, only in situations such a s this though.
  22. Mines from the head of the company we supply with his contact details and my name etc. Although tbf I dont really need it apart from when I'm on the way to and from work which is only 4 miles each way. The only other time il need it is if I have to go to see a customer, which I'm not doing much if any of it at the moment for obvious reasons. Mind you if your in a field of work that is important at the moment then the police need to respect that.
  23. Yeah looks like they are really going for it in other parts of the UK, stop checks everywhere!
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