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Everything posted by a-k

  1. I was planning to roll my FT and wait until after the int'l break to get rid of both VdV and Udogie. Maddison was also a query to be transferred out soon. Will need to see how the dust settles before rejigging my plan. Doesn't help that Cash is flagged and another DEF is also out.
  2. Maddison injured and 1 pointer Van de Ven injured and 1 pointer
  3. I'm on 19 with 2 to play...absolute shocker but somehow still in the top 5k overall
  4. And a goal, for a total of 0.50 xG
  5. At the last minute, almost switched the armband to Salah and swapped Archer for Dougie. Didn't have the balls to do it.
  6. Apparently he is still our manager
  7. Is it really? I don't know about you, but I'm pretty certain that any employer I've ever had would be severely unhappy if, on the same day of the event and before any retaliation, I've retweeted a picture of me with a flag of a country whose de facto government has just massacred 300 innocent people at a music festival, let alone the other atrocities that day. Regardless of his intentions or your view of the situation (those are different discussions), the optics are not good. And, then his next comment being "to the river and the sea...". So no, I can see how it can be interpreted as such. I never said this was my interpretation, but one that I can definitely see.
  8. I did not know about this retweet before. I then think it's more likely that indirectly showing support for a massive terrorist attack is what got him sacked rather than his post afterwards.
  9. You, sir, speak too much sense for this thread and this topic
  10. a-k

    Douglas Luiz

    Didn't Forest only get promoted in 2022?
  11. Nowadays that they elect certain countries with horrible human rights records to their Human Rights Council. Has nothing to do with what they say about Israel.
  12. I wouldn't really pay attention to anything that goes on at the UN anymore, it's a joke organization nowadays, such as in the example below
  13. Inside the top 1.5k overall. In hindsight could be even higher but will ride this wave until it comes crashing down.
  14. a-k

    Cameron Archer

    Somewhat embellishing the fact he's scored in 1/7 matches
  15. a-k

    Cameron Archer

    Hasn't really done that badly there now has he? 2 in 2 vs EVE and FUL 0 in 5 vs TOT NEW WHU MUN ARS Of course I am overexaggerating the stats, but I don't think he's been a failure there so far
  16. Did he say anything wrong? Isn't it biased to completely ignore what someone "on the other side" has to say?
  17. This seems to be everyone's answer, but "what they shouldn't do" doesn't actually answer the question of "what they should do"
  18. Guess who transferred out Pinnock this week wouldn't have started him anyways, but I guess he would have come on for Udogie
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