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Everything posted by a-k

  1. Guess who transferred out Pinnock this week wouldn't have started him anyways, but I guess he would have come on for Udogie
  2. Then why use the date of Oct 7 in your argument? Like you said, history also didn't begin in 2005, or 1967, or 1948. No need to be condescending, not everyone jumped into this conflict three weeks ago.
  3. It's bizarre to me how people can find any rationale for what Hamas did. Are you suggesting that I have no knowledge of the conflict? I don't think I have said anything on this thread that hasn't been objective. In fact, when I gave a history lesson in response to another post, no one further replied to it because it's not what they wanted to hear.
  4. @magnkarl basically answered this for me. Who puts up a buffer zone if they're not concerned about their own safety?
  5. You completely circumvented the point. It was not about a Sinai uprising against Egypt, it was that people seem to conveniently ignore that Egypt also has their own blockade and buffer zone on Gaza.
  6. This is only half the truth. As unfortunate as it is and as harsh as it sounds, other countries feel the same way too. People seem to forget that Egypt evicted 70,000 people to create a buffer zone (https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/05/22/egypt-army-intensifies-sinai-home-demolitions).
  7. A terrorist organization slaughtering 1000 innocent civilians in cold-blood in not an uprising. Citizens of Gaza are just as imprisoned by Hamas-, why not an uprising against them?
  8. In what world are they second class citizens? They hold equal rights and are fully integrated into society. Never mind the fact they enjoy more freedom of life choices in Israel than they would in Gaza or the West Bank...
  9. Actually, this has nothing to do with religion. Hamas do not represent the average Muslim and Israelis are typically more secular than the average person in the UK.
  10. This thread has become worse than the replies on an X post
  11. Also would have broke 100 with an Udogie clean sheet...I'm at 5k, my highest ever position, and damn will I milk it
  12. Apparently, images of fuel being "held hostage" by Hamas
  13. a-k

    Getting older

    Power went out a few weeks ago. Had been casting our UECL game from my iPad to the TV and battery was draining. Thought, well I've got no internet, no phone signal (was on roaming, wifi only), etc., might as well charge up my iPad for the second half. My iPad is wonky and sometimes it doesn't charge with certain cables or USB bases. Playing around with the cables for a good minute or two before I realized why no charge was going through.
  14. Last season, Mbuemo scored against MAN LIV che WHU tot (x2)
  15. Garth Crooks with Haaland in his team of the week instead of Ollie. Yawn.
  16. Why the cut-off date of 1948? Many things relevant to the current conflict happened in the 50ish years prior and are just as important but seemingly neglected.
  17. I guess this is all fabrication too...
  18. Picked up 16 points last night but ended up losing a few hundred spots overnight
  19. They did it to hundreds of innocent civilians, it's the least Hamas would deserve
  20. Their cause is to rid not just Israel but the entire earth of all Jews. I'd say that's a pretty good cause to want to have given up.
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