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Everything posted by BG_Villa_Fan

  1. I'm by no means anti Lambert ( except for the god awful football he makes us play ), but why use stats to compare to last season's first half? Surely it'd make more sense to compare this half season's stats to the stats from last season's second half as it is the immediately preceeding one. Or compare to the stats from McLeish's first half a season, as he was the previous manager.
  2. He's getting slaughtered by the media already. Deservedly so. Even a bit out of context, what he said was dumb, don't give them ammo.
  3. Because they actually can't play any other way, regardless of the competition? Must be something that happens on the training groud, coupled with the quality of the players.
  4. His technique is OK. I just think he should have noticed by now that when the guy he is aiming for (mostly Kozak) heads it down, there is nobody within 10 yards to pick it up, so it goes straight back to the opposition, which puts Guzan back under pressure within 10 seconds.... This is true, but it's not Guzan's fault, cause if he'd pass to someone closer to him he'd get the ball back within seconds, so eventually he'd need to hoof it.
  5. Poor Guzan, not only is he bombarded every game and under pressure for 80% of the time, but he's now criticized for his distribution? Who's going to win them midfield arial battles? Westwood? Delph? KEA? His distribution is fine, problem is he usually gets more touches than our midfielders. Not only our goal keeper but the main playmaker too.
  6. Why did he have to? He could have kept Stevens, Lichaj, Delfouneso, Hutton ( still paying him ), Bannan, Ireland ( still paying him ), etc. Yes, they're all bad, but has he bought any better? He didn't have to buy 16 players imo.
  7. Enda and Lichaj were at least as good/bad as Bennett and Luna who cost 4 million pounds.
  8. McLambert. Embarassing. Good point though, against a team which is infinitely better.
  9. Delph always drops to cover the left back. At least he tries to. When he's missing other midfielders don't do it. KEA usually helps the right back.
  10. People said the same about Southampton this time last season. Not saying Cardiff will do the same and kick on. Hopefully they hire some Mongolian coach who's a friend of Tan's sister or something and they go down.
  11. Is it the same dodgy site that states Wayne Rooney's wwekly wages are €16,340?
  12. He's likely basing his guess on some computer game.
  13. Lowton is on less than £10k, as are most of the PL signings Link? Funny you didn't ask for a link for the incorrect £25k figure What's funny about it? I don't know how much he's on.
  14. I think we've learnt with a high degree of certainty that Lerner only appoints his own mates for such positions, regardless of whether they know anything about football.
  15. Lowton is on less than £10k, as are most of the PL signings Link?
  16. I believe what most people mean when they criticize the way Villa played in some games we've won is that overall the performances are a much better long term indication than a couple of results going our way. It's great Lambert has managed to win a couple of games having 20% possession and 3 chances but that will not be sustainable - good play, good tactics and inspired performances are what would indicate a better future, not freak results here and there. Needless to say, after that Southampton win it's not a big surprise they've proceded to lose a few games having in mind our play hasn't improved and a lot of people on this board predicted this slide, yet got a lot of grief for their opinions.
  17. I know this bomb squad policy was initially accepted happily by fans, but I'm struggling to think of another club whose bomb squad consists of most of their highest paid players. At least use them while you're paying their wages ffs.
  18. Not exactly true Big_John, we could have had a squad full of shit players such as Hutton, Lichaj and Bannan, instead of the current squad he's bought, which is full of shit players.
  19. Whenever I've seen him at Villa he's been played at full back, except for one half against Liverpool and some 20 minutes against Cardiff. Funny but he wasn't a right winger in these two games as well. Yesterday he had to play at left back because our natural left back got destroyed yet again. In the mean time we're paying Hutton to rot somewhere... at least use him in some capacity while he's being paid ffs. Lambert's bomb squad policy is as shit as our creativity on the pitch.
  20. Well I don't see any reason why people would think otherwise except for blind faith perhaps.
  21. It's not really a surprise though, is it? Most of the money he's put into the club have been loans to his own trust, he'll want that money back, plus the money the club cost him. He's not going to sell for a loss despite of all the custodian and other shit comments.
  22. It was €4.4m according to hh, less than half the figure you've quoted Well he has always come up with the truth on other things so i believe him when he says he cost less than what was reported. He is always right when it comes to team selections so I believe him when he said Kozak cost I believe the actual accounts numbers, which showed the exact figure for last season's signings. We'll soon know this year's too.
  23. When 90% of the players are out of form for months then the reason might not be in them.
  24. Was better than any Villa player today. Fair play to him. Should have scored too.
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