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Everything posted by Jon

  1. indeed. swines. Took C & G quite a while for them to finally get round to approving my re-mortgage, whilst R B of S sorted my new mortgage out super fast. Much depends on the mortgage lender and how efficient/busy they are. C & G had just implemented a new computer system, so were experiencing "problems"? How is your application with? In terms of mortgages, i'd definitely say trackers were the way to go for the next few years, as i can't see the B of E raising rates due the the current housing climate.
  2. not having seen the game, can i ask who played in the diamond, and in waht positions? Stan at the base? left (barry), right (asher) & Pinnacle (Coker)? is that right?
  3. This is a puzzler fo me, as to why it has taken MON so long to realise that this is where he is most comfortable in the PL. Playing in the SPL is different - the standard is so far below the PL level that Stan could shine in a more forard role. In the PL, where the standard is far higher, he needs that little bit of extra time & space that playing a bit deeper gives him. When he played the "anchor" role towards the end of last season, he performed really well there, and it allowed GB a bit of extra licence to rove. The problem with all this is, where does it leave NRC. Also, we shoudl remember that this was "only" Notlob.
  4. I've lost interest in them since the hits dried up, TBH. late 70s/early 80s was there period
  5. TBH, i'd say the market for hosue buying is not too bad at the moment. Certainly, right now, it is a buyer's market, in that sellers may be prepared to accept lower offers on their property than would have been the case 6 months ago. The gamble is whther the market will continue to dip for the next few months/years, or whether the market is finding a new level and will level off soon and remain constant for some time. Also, if you have decent credit rating, getting a half decent mortgage with a different lender right now should be no problem. Interst rates have dropped a little recently, and i doubt they will go up significantly for the next 6 months or so, so getting a tracker mortgage could be a god option. rates may even come down slightly over the next 12 months. It's not all doom & gloom IMO mate.
  6. Jon

    Best Bond

    I find it faintly bemusing that Dodge Moore can be polling the same amount of votes as Daniel Craig. Moore made Bond look almost Austin Powers-esque, whcih is just not the way Fleming created his Bond. Craig added the gritty realism back in. Far, far superior acting IMO, and far closer to what Fleming had envisaged in his books.
  7. Jon

    Best Bond

    Premium Bond, as he's always in the money. Brooke Bond was good too, although he was forever downing tools for a cuppa. Nigel Bond deserves a mention too, as he was always on cue.
  8. Jon

    Best Bond

    Based purely on the one film of his to date, Craig, who brought a cutting edge reality to the role, and gave Bond more steel and less smarm. It seemed closer to fleming's ideal of Bond. Behind him, Sean.
  9. Don't think Randolph is going to fork out anywhere near £70m this summer, net. I think we'll be looking at nearer £30m net, if that. Maybe £25m, going on past spend. I think we might let a few go though, so could recoup a small amount that way. We'll be getting the likes of Ollie and Tommy off the wage bill, and will let Carson go (i think). I can see the likes of Petrov and Maloney maybe being sold. We're going to need right winger, centre halves and strikers. And the hallowed right back. I don't think we'll need £70m net by the way. I think we'll need 4 or 5 (keeper, RB, Centre Half, Right winger, striker) very decent first team players, and with wheeling & dealing by MON this could be achieved for round about £30m or so net, if we have it. Juciy in goal for example would be no initial cost, just high wages.
  10. I voted Yes, but echo JC's qualifier at the start of the thread.
  11. well, i pickked a hall of a game to go to! very poor, from 1 to 11. The wheels appear to have come off. nobody could really hold their head up high after that. I fail to see how Zat Knight is a better player than Gary Cahill, i really do. I think M Barry & Coker don't seem like they can play together, either.
  12. which means that you can be made angry by anything? :? :winkold: I am a really happy person, becuase I can't get no satisfaction! :winkold:
  13. who is Prince Chas? King Dave's musical partner ......
  14. Mick McCarthy too, for Ian ...... :winkold:
  15. only if you're an advocate of them. I mean, if you disagree with the Royal Family and everyhting it stands for and believe the country would be better off without them, then how would you be selling out your country by betarying them? He's still a complete word removed though.
  16. but who would you put in front? thinking about it logically, Burrell. If Mills was in front, there would be the possibility of the shot hitting the artificial leg and deflecting to safety ....................
  17. superb! however, he did go on "I'm a celeb, get me out of here" and do the whole jungle sh*t, so the possibility of him having had a Beetle up his arse at some point cannot be fully rejected.....
  18. god, you've got me Trent. Simply could not answer!! if ai had a gun, and had to shoot one of them, i think i'd try to line them up together and see if the "magic buller" could penetrate the pair of feckers.
  19. Jon

    Cartoon Fantasy

    Voted for Lois. she seems quite cute, were she real ..... surely there can't be any votes for marge? :shock:
  20. agree entirely Mike. So do I. I think. Is grass not valuable to cows then? why would it be? Cows don't smoke ..... :winkold: on the flip side, i'd say no, Grant. I'd say it was essential to their existence. Not "valuable", as it has no actual "value" as such. Needed/required, rather than valuable, would be my take on it.
  21. Oi! I'll have you know Macc are doing their level best to get themselves our of that division. Conference here we come! :winkold:
  22. Indeed. If you don't financially HAVE to sell right now, then people shouldn't, really. The market (for many areas) really is a buyers one right now, and if you're in a position where it would be preferable but not necessary to sell, then i'd ride it out, and try to let the property out. In terms of couples moving in together for example, then i'd guess they don't financially need to sell the property straight away. TBH before i was "forced" to remortgage and let out, i was not a fan of landlords that would buy up properties solely to make money by letting them out and then maybe selling on at a profit at a later date. I think it skews the market, especially for first time buyers. I still think there's something not quite right about Buying To Let. I think it needs to be addressed at a national governmental level.
  23. indeed :winkold: not really by choice though. Sort of forced on me, really , by being unable to sell it for a decent price. not really making much on it either. Covers the mortgage and then a little extra, but not much, especially when/if things start "going wrong".
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