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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I don't think Green Dave is anywhere near as far right as Mrs T, Mike!? Also, i don't think he is a conviction or idealistic politician. I think he will pander to populist tastes and public opinion, as he really doesn't have an ideology as such. he has no Conservative Vision. His thinking seems to be, continue as is, but be more popular than Labour. Also, I hope Chips gets fried. I'd rather raise a glass to Barack "Brahma" Obama
  2. indeed. and good points too. it seems clear to me that the people don't like Gordon Brown. They don't seem to either like or trust him, and don't see him as decisive either. He lacks charisma. all essential elements of a great leader. he has to go. With Alan Johnno, whilst Labout would IMO still lose the next GE, the loss wouldn't be as heavy.
  3. he's not got long left in the job he so coveted then, it seems, Grings! question is, is Milly ready for the hot seat? Will he stand against Gordo? Will he want it right now? Labour are not going to win the next GE, barring some sort of minor miracle, so maybe best to leave Gordo to fight the next GE and sink, and then someone else takes over afresh?
  4. morally and legally, option B for me. if there is a social services case to answer, which there is, then the girl would them be removed from the maother and returned to the uncle (maybe) or some other responsible adult. people should not take the law into their own hands like that. go though the proper channels etc. That way, you may get the duaghter and the uncle united legally.
  5. I believe there is a stong element of truth in this statement. The words stubborn and obdurate spring to mind. There appears to be no flexibility at all from MOn over this whole thing - hence why it may collapse. of course you can. So why not make it official, if he wants to leave that much. Make it official, waive your fee/bonus to get your move. this bit confuses me.
  6. I agree with this and we know what pride comes before... and prejudice? (in the name of love) :winkold: 8)
  7. i don't think the player is either suffering (at this moment) or suffering unfairly. Unless of course you are of the school of thinking that believes Ronaldo to be some sort of Slave at man united. barry either leaves Villa for Liverpool or someone else, or he stays at VP and gets his head down. why would he be suffering? Are we abusing him? Did he willingly enter a 4 year contract with us, for which he gets handsomely paid? Has he even put in a written transfer request? suffering my arse.
  8. one of the few topics sure to raise Mr Bland's passions, methinks. He loves her really. He's gpt posters of her on his wall :winkold:
  9. Lewis for me. although it is a strecth to class him as one of the "newer generation" ........
  10. out of interest, why are you choosing to sell now. It's most defeintely not a sellers market. Is it one of those "no option" things?
  11. "Salmond rides high"? should that not be "Salmond leaps to victory"? or "Salmond battles against the current"?
  12. I can make head nor tail of this post. you think many would turn up at VP for GB's testimonial? GB's done a job for us for 10 years. He's under contract for another 2. He's done us no favours. "Loyalty" doesn't come into it. He really had no better offers during those 10 years, so he remained with us. Liverpool pay what MON judges GB to be worth, or he stays, as simple as that. Randy is backing MON, so we don't need to sell, and GB really is stuck now between a rock and a hard place. Time for GB to waive his "loyalty" bonus, methinks.
  13. I'm still none the wiser about who will be between the sticks come season KO. :winkold: my guess at this point would be Fozzy on loan from The Scum for a season, with Guzan also coming in as number two, to learn his trade.
  14. I agree with much of that Pete, it just that: a) Barry <> Berger. part time ineffectual player vs Club Captain and arguably most influential player he is too good (at the moment) not to play, if he remains with us. he has not done anyhting overly wrong IMO, other than told MOn (privately it seems) that he would want the opportunity to join LFC, if the clubs can agree a fee. I don't see too much wrong with that, and he hasn't dissed the club in any way, other than wanting to leave for CL football. MON, if barry stays and he puts him in the reverses, would effectively be cutting off his nose to spite his face, and i think MON is a bigger man than that. Berger was a non-entity who had come to the end of his contract anyway . The 2 situations are polls apart, IMO. IMHO Barry stays, Barry plays. Unless we sign 2 or 3 sh*t hot central MF players this summer, starting with Siders.
  15. really Bozzy? so what if scouserpool fail to come up with the reddies, and GB remains at VP past the transfer window? Loan him out to someone. How will that really benefit us? I think he's gone, and i think Scouserpool will have to come up with the money one way or another. But if they pull out, and GB stays, I think he plays. I can't see how he wouldn't play, unless he's deemed simply not good enough to make the 1st 11, which would seem a little odd, given what's going on now.
  16. I think barry is a better Premier league player than Alonso, which is why I think Scoserpool are in for him. He can control the tempo of the game, when on form. I also think he is a tad quicker than given credit for. I also think he might be making a mistake joining them, as his pitch time will be limited. I have my doubts that he's better than Mascherano or Gerrard, so just where will he play? I think he has been temporarily blinded by Liverpool's interest, and in 5 or 6 months could be very unhappy at LFC, having thrown away all the good things he had here. He could end up a peripheral player at LFC, lose his england place and have a career in nosedive. Having said that, i do wish him well, as i think he has served us well for 10 years. I just hope we replace him with as good as/better. Over to you, Martin.
  17. any basis for this comment? any evidence at all?
  18. i agree with this! earlier today, my gloryhuntng mate phoned me up to say that villa are now in the $h!t teams around us, tottenham, man city and everton are all buying top world class players, and we are giving in to bully bully tactics and selling our best players! and hes right, we are getting weaker, by not buying player when we sell players, and selling our best players, so in theory, our squad is getting smaller oh woe is me. I'd jump out of the nearest windown now fella, as there seems no coming back from this. We're all doomed! Where's Mr Mainwaring again?
  19. that's where i'm at too, scott. I can't see him playing WITH Big John, TBH. so does he play instead of him? Or does he warm the bench as back up to BJ? or will MON go with 2 big men up front? would be an interesting signing .....
  20. who would, i would guess, tend to be slightly more pro - monarchy? thingh is, without being sick about it, as the older generation "die off", support for the monarchy declines amongst the gen pub.
  21. anyone surprised to see Republic 49 -33 up, against Monarchy? Not em. I wonder how representative this poll is, on a fopotball message board. Certainly won't be many women voting in this poll. Would they be any more pro Monarchy than us blokes?
  22. indeed. constituency is just down the road from me too. why does Macc never get these type of candidates. :cry: Or that Flying Brick (Monster raving loony) guy.
  23. Can we still vote in this poll? If so, i'm going to vote for Ed Timpy, as I think he's got every chance .... :nod:
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