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Everything posted by HanoiVillan

  1. Isn't the point that 'clear and obvious' doesn't really apply to offsides, because they believe (perhaps wrongly) that their lines are factual and definitive? Or 'Factual offside decisions will be based on the evidence provided by fully calibrated offside lines', per the Premier League's website: https://www.premierleague.com/news/1297392
  2. This is in danger of getting off-topic perhaps, but what decision in the FA Cup was clearly 'incorrect'? Have I missed some definitive conclusion about the offside goal being wrong, because to me that looked so close I don't know how anybody could say confidently the decision was right *or* wrong.
  3. If no-one expects 100% accuracy, then everyone is expecting mistakes. It's not a surprise that if mistakes occur, *sometimes* they will occur in a visible and potentially outcome-altering way like three penalty claims (though it's far from clear to me that three mistakes were made, I think only the last one is a clear mistake). The implication of 'no-one is expecting 100% accuracy' is that ultimately you have to have some tolerance of human error.
  4. If 'the standard of refereeing [everywhere]' is 'wholly unacceptable', I think you ultimately have to ask whether the problem is more to do with your [our] expectations and less to do with the decisions.
  5. Yes, it would have been a reasonable *request* beforehand. I'm disagreeing with 'that aspect of the criticism is valid', ie the communication after the event.
  6. I don't think it is valid. The plain English reading of their tweet is that Atwell acted corruptly because he supports a rival team. They have no evidence to support the strong implication that acted corruptly, and if he 'considers his options' they could yet be in legal bother.
  7. Exactly this. These are entirely problems of their own making. They don't *have to* try to win a quadruple every year, they could just play kids and reserves in the domestic cup competitions for example.
  8. Was irked by that, but then it also sounded like the next commentator referred to 'Luis Paqueta' as well so seems like confusion was contagious.
  9. Largely agree with this. The third is absolutely blatant; the first is more or less the same as the one we got from Duran against Burnley so consistency suggests it should have been given; I think the second I would learn towards it not being a pen but it wouldn't be a scandal if it was given. Their statement was stupid though, and as Jagielka pointed out on MOTD, it's far from clear that an Everton win is even the best result from a Luton perspective anyway (it's at least debatable).
  10. Honestly, that list demonstrates their problem pretty clearly. The first half of the list is mostly players who did well when they first came up with Wilder half a decade or so ago, and the second half are mostly nobodies. Brereton Diaz and McAtee will go on to better things, otherwise those are mostly not PL quality players. They'll need a complete rebuild next season.
  11. Yeah, they're going to be fascinating because it genuinely feels like almost every outcome is possible next season. They're not going to win the league, but could finish top 4, but I've said before and continue to maintain that depending on how their sales go and what impact their finances and any potential points deductions have, they could even be considered outside candidates for relegation as well. My *guess* is they'll finish 5th-7th and somehow worm out of any PSR problems with financial engineering, but it'll be fascinating to see.
  12. I certainly think it'll be a surprise if we beat them. Hopefully they can also beat Spurs.
  13. The argument for that is that quietly, they're in quite good form. Think this was the first game they've lost in 90 minutes for about 12 weeks or something. The argument against is that they've had more than one of these false dawns already, and PSR could yet bite in terms of the composition of their squad next season.
  14. Re the first sentence, I do think people sometimes put too much faith in teams being 'on the beach'. Brentford were supposed to be on the beach today!
  15. There's no desire to get rid of the League Cup because it offers a safety valve for top PL managers. A way to avoid the 'you never won a trophy' jibe.
  16. I would suggest it's quite likely that *some* of them will feel that way, and extremely unlikely that *all* of them will.
  17. I agree that the changes of plan have been really disappointing, and that the way the decision not to go ahead with the North Stand was communicated was atrocious. No argument from me on that at all. That being said, if we're saying 'straightforward clear comms' is what we want, then it doesn't really get a lot more straightforward than the club's written response to the FAB, but seemingly quite a lot of fans are refusing to accept it. So yes, let's have clear comms, but also let's comprehend when 'no' is the answer.
  18. You should, but if this thread is anything to go by neither you nor the club should expect to be believed whatever they say.
  19. Agree, somehow the only Lille player to come out of those two ties with his reputation diminished rather than enhanced.
  20. I'm sure we did, and I have no problem opposing how the club vote in PL meetings.
  21. This seems like a topic where no-one can even agree on what they're comparing. Is it the overall wealth of the league? Is it the European performances of its teams? If so, over this season, or over several seasons? Is it a general sense of footballing ability, not measure by European performance? Is it comparing the on-paper footballing strength of sides? Are people comparing Man City and Real Madrid, Brighton and Osasuna, or Sheff Utd and Almeria? Is a league stronger if it's more even, or weaker? What's any of this *for*, really?
  22. Yes. I mean there's two points really, first that 75% is not 100% (as you say), but then also secondly that people were acting and talking as if the number mattered more than the reality of the fixtures. I don't know what the number of games is where looking at a statistical average of a dataset would be more useful to just predicting who would win a group of matches, but it's far more than the 5 ties that happened.
  23. The Guardian's match report says it as well, I assume it's been confirmed by UEFA.
  24. Remembering when people were treating a Twitter account saying England had a 75% chance of getting the 5th spot as if that somehow meant something . . . oh, all of about ten days ago now.
  25. It's one thing to lose - to be honest, I expected to lose tonight - but to go out with such a damp squib having hardly had a shot is pretty pathetic. They've been really good and they do deserve the victory but I feel we've let ourselves down very badly.
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