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Everything posted by Bizzzle

  1. Prince Philip has finally kicked it for those who care! Personally couldn't give a shit
  2. Genuinely nervous waiting for the team selection
  3. I kinda liked Godzilla vs Kong but mainly for the action scenes. The plot was pretty shit especially the girl from stranger things plot. 6.5/10
  4. Watched the revenant for about the 4th time! Love that film
  5. I'd prefer to do that way too tbh but I know I'd end up having it spoiled by someone
  6. New Line of Duty was alright last night. Not the most exciting start but still good
  7. I really liked the Synder cut. Its so much better than the original cut and I don't hate the original. Probably an overly generous 8.5/10
  8. The new episode of Taskmaster was decent I thought
  9. Watching the Synder cut tomorrow when I have a spare 4 **** hours! Heard mainly good things so far
  10. Great news! Wasn't really expecting it tbh
  11. It's a Sunday 19:30 pm kick off! Isn't that usually when we turn into peak Barcelona?
  12. Bizzzle

    Top Gear ‘21

    I actually quite like the new Top Gear with the new boys. It’s never going to be as good as it was with Clarkson, May and Hammond but it’s definitely better than it was when it was Chris Evans etc.
  13. Just watched Cherry the new Russo brothers film with Tom Holland and it was pretty good but not amazing. It felt like it was missing something from it but it was a decent 6.5/10 imo
  14. Yeh I know what you mean. I’m pretty sick of hearing about it now myself
  15. I totally get why people aren't but I am actually looking forward to the Snyder cut! I do genuinely think it will be better than the original. I actually quite like the original and Batman Vs Superman for that matter. 4 hours is a bit much though
  16. Glad I listened to the reviews on here and not IMDB for I care a lot! Good film 8/10
  17. I didn’t stream it. I have a wooden leg, an eye patch and a VPN if you catch my drift
  18. I watched Boss Level last nigh which I thought was really good but I am a sucker for a time loop movie. Some of the special effects I thought were a bit dodgy mind. Solid 7.5/10
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