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Everything posted by Bizzzle

  1. I loved raised by wolves but thought the finale was a bit poor. Looking forward to season 2!
  2. I too had to watch YouTube videos after lol. I think I understand it better now
  3. Omg can’t believe that didn’t get overruled but I’ll take it
  4. Watched Tenet and although I didn’t fully understand it I did really enjoy it. 8/10
  5. I'm about 17 years late but I've just started watching Battlestar Galactica as its on the iplayer. Only a few episodes in but really enjoying it so far
  6. Watched Greenland at the weekend and it was okayish I suppose. Also watched Nocturnal Animals which I thought was good
  7. After getting bored and giving up about half through season 2 of Better Call Saul when it first aired I have decided to give it another go now that my expectations have been significantly lowered. I have finished season 1 and am pretty much at the point where I gave up. I have enjoyed it more than my 1st viewing but still think it’s just above average at best or at least it has been so far so I am hoping it becomes the amazing show everyone thinks it is in the latter seasons. It can be painfully slow at times which is why I probably gave up in the 1st place so it helps that I can binge watch them. I do like it and won’t give up on it this time but it’s not even in the same league as Breaking Bad imo or at least it isn't for me atm
  8. Watched Unhinged which was alright I suppose also watched Love & Monsters which I thought was pretty good but nothing special
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