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Everything posted by bobzy

  1. Of the teams on there, I'd only say that Brentford have a clearly defined system and purchase players to fit that system. Fulham possibly have a style, but that's more from being settled. They still mixed it up by bringing in Mitrovic as a target man figure to hold the ball up field. Wolves spent big on big name players at this level and made it, have now signed Adama Traore for a club record fee. They didn't utilise wide forwards last season at all - in fact, their wing backs were a huge part of their success (I'm surprised they let Douglas go). They don't have a style, they had a well assembled (Neves and Jota in the Championship was ridiculous) squad. Cardiff were assembled well and became a sum greater than their parts, but their style of play varied massively over the season. Maybe they were generally physical - Warnock side after all - but at times they dominated sides, other times they broke with loads of pace up front. I don't know what you'd have called their style? Leeds have been well coached and drilled for 3 games this season, but were all over the place last time out. Huddersfield are a very well drilled side defensively, probably not really a style thing, but certainly good coaching. They surprised everyone by being so solid (crew) and used the loan market well. Again, not sure what style they had. Counter-attacking? Maybe. Sheffield Utd are often cited as some example of great things to happen as they punched above their weight so to speak, but, again, I have no idea what you'd class their style as. They played quite direct football last season and Clarke and Sharp worked well together, coupled with David Brooks who is an exciting prospect (interesting to see how he does at Bournemouth). They didn't last the pace, unfortunately, and have lost to Wigan this season (who we beat... maybe they aren't so bad?). On the bit in bold, I'm pretty sure we were the most in form team in England over a 2 or 3 month spell at some point last season?!
  2. "Losing their shit" "2 years of failure"
  3. This post sums everything up very nicely. It’s worth about 10 likes.
  4. I wasn't doubting your support, which is what you may be implying in this response, but just genuinely wondered what you get out of it at this moment in time. I mean, you say you neither hate or even dislike the manager, but every post you make regarding him seems to be negative. We're going through our best period in recent years (granted, in a league below where we want to be) but there's a group of posters (and, again, fine - opinions are what we live on) just constantly posting negative things. Look at this state of this thread - it's a joke! Apologies if you feel I'm being superior or sneering, that wasn't my intention at all. Was a genuine question regarding what you're getting out of the team right now. You want the manager gone, every victory is seemingly followed up with negative posts - where's the benefit? As an aside, I'm probably actually where you are generally - I think Bruce is limited and ultimately I'd like to see a lovely, attacking, fast paced side. However, we're doing well. We finished 4th and missed out on promotion by a tiny margin. We've won 3 out of 3 this season. This isn't "failing considering our resources" or whatever else keeps getting trotted out (not by you) - how are people not satisfied right now? We've been a state for years and Bruce has helped turn it round. I guess I'd just like to read people getting behind it all rather than slagging it off all the time. Differences of opinion are great, repetitive criticism really isn't. I'm probably done for this thread tbh - but good post anyway Dave.
  5. So odd, though. Same with Liverpool - reached the CL final but didn't win so FAIL. My Dad isn't a Spurs fan, but I like them too. Ideally, of the realistic clubs who could, they'd win the league this season.
  6. Same - counter-attacking football is fine, but wasted against a side like Ipswich. Against Leeds or Brentford or a team which will generally retain the ball and work openings, sure, be solid defensively and spring counter attacks. Ipswich aren't like that, though.
  7. Ipswich do look pretty terrible. The problem will be if we try to play counter-attacking football, which Bruce seems to enjoy more, than controlling the game as you say. Would hope for a comfortable 2-0 win.
  8. Seems to be this. It's amazing they're still a Premier League side.
  9. What are you on about? He said he read comments but didn't see the game at all. How would you know whether comments were right, wrong, spot on, way out of order etc if you've got nothing to base them on? Not even an argument. Just a statement of fact.
  10. Don't understand the dislike for Spurs at all. Well run club, invested sensibly (on the whole), developed some really bright talents, don't just throw around ridiculous money for the sake of it and yet still able to compete with the top European clubs. I hope they have another good season.
  11. Why? That’s the league we’re in. We don’t have a Premier League quality team.
  12. It seems that, given all of this is entirely negative about Bruce, you perhaps don’t sit between the two groups and are very firmly in a “please **** off now Brucey” camp? I mean, you’ve said he has no plan, cannot pick a side, doesn’t use valid tactics, have questioned whether or not he signs good players (I assume he’s pretty much entirely responsible for those who haven’t worked, though) and plays for a draw rather than winning. Not the most balanced piece for someone who is on the fence!
  13. The club would be crazy to do anything like that. If a clause has been put in, it will be on a new and extended contract. I’d hope it’s a non-promotion type clause too.
  14. Even if I was a “decent person”, I’d read this forum and think “**** them, I’ll collect my wages until my contract ends”. Not a chance I’d accept a payoff on terms I’ll never get ever again.
  15. He played most of the season for Swansea - no idea where the barely holding down a position comes from. Chelsea have let Batshuayi out on loan again; that means they have Morata and Giroud as their senior strikers. I don't think they'd let Abraham go too, personally.
  16. A lot of people have said about the selection, SO.... ...who would you have picked?
  17. Kodjia missed 2, if not 3, sitters. I think I remember a header from Wigan that should've been better but, aside from a 15 minute spell after they took the lead, I don't think they offered that much. We were pretty ordinary, I agree. As I said earlier, it was a 5 or 6 out of 10 performance but we weren't unlucky to win. It was scrappy and we nicked it at the death. No Bruce-tinted specs here, I'm just not ridiculously anti-Bruce. Wigan didn't deserve to win today. They weren't unlucky.
  18. bobzy


    Played well. Both Wolves and Everton to finish top 8 IMO.
  19. I think Leeds might "do a Wolves" this season. They look very impressive.
  20. We had much better chances than Wigan. I have no idea how anyone can come to the conclusion that Wigan were unlucky in that match.
  21. Pretty ridiculous, but OK. I think we were 8th favourites with the bookies before the season started.
  22. Both are decent squad players (I don't think either are awful tbh) - would keep them and bring in another defender (ideally centre back) on loan.
  23. Said it before, will say it again - if he takes us to a playoff final again this season, I'll take it.
  24. First time we've won our first 2 league games since 1999/00. That's pretty staggering.
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