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Everything posted by V01

  1. Lucifer The devil gets bored in Hell and moves to California or wherever, sounds really cheesy but it's really good. Plus they have a Brit in the lead role.
  2. I'd say make him train with Clark but they'd probably claim it was an insurance job.
  3. torrent, I don't think I can say anymore...
  4. Got myself a nice little collection ready to start watching at work: Attack on Titan Basilisk Berserk movies Code Glass S1+2 Gantz Lain Neon Genesis Evangelion That should be the next 3 week's sorted, if I can get Fullmetal Alchemist that will take it 4.
  5. Not had a Polo, but my first car was a Golf on a D plate. Drove it into the ground and the only smack I had in it was when I switched lanes without checking my blindspot. Hit an Audi on it's front wing with the drivers side door. His damage was something like cracked alloy and a buckled wing. I had a scuff on the door. Old VW's are great fun and quite sturdy
  6. I have a spare beta code for The Division on Xbox which starts tomorrow.
  7. V01


    **** sake, Hey look these dudes are out and doors open... help yourself burglars.
  8. V01


    Never even been to Coventry.
  9. V01


    I'm sure I won't be able to go. Isn't giving out my details counter acting my attempts at privacy?
  10. V01

    Do you read?

    Is he the guy who wrote The Road? After reading it I chose not to read any of his other stuff, people have tried telling he's good but I just can't see it.
  11. V01


    Maybe if they did it at a time I could attend I'd go...
  12. V01


    I do have an interest in privacy issues, but apart from using a VPN and the do not track request in browser setting I don't know what I can do about it.
  13. V01


    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you're smart enough to know how to do what they're talking about. Why not post the instructions in the Donor forum, as it's already behind a paywall you wouldn't be losing out.
  14. I can't understand it, microwave is used once a day at most. Kettle is in use pretty much round the clock (I work nights and just stick to same routine on my days nights off) She isn't bright enough to go around winding people up, it's just some stupid idea about saving electricity or something.
  15. Not words I would normally expect to see used in reference to Amy Schumer.
  16. It does not, in fact when we did have a microwave with a clock she always turned it off.
  17. Why is my missus happy to leave the microwave switched on constantly but feel the need to turn off the kettle every time she goes in the kitchen
  18. Dude with a massive sword kills stuff. A brave young warrior named Guts fights for his fortune as a mercenary on the front lines. A fated encounter unites Guts with the charismatic and deadly young man named Griffith. Leading the rogue soldiers known as the Band of the Hawk, Griffith wields his formidable force like no other. Driven by a quest for status, the Hawks exert military and social prowess the likes of which have never been seen before. The armies of Midland will quake with fear as Griffith and Guts set off on a path that will bring the world to its knees. http://myanimelist.net/anime/33/Berserk
  19. I have plenty of time, main obstacle is finding English dubs. I can watch videos and what not at work as long I keep an eye on the CCTV so subtitles are out. Planning on starting Attack on Titan when I'm back in work. Lain doesn't sound like my kinda thing but I'll give it a go if I can get it.
  20. I haven't watched any anime in a few years but with the upcoming Berserk reboot I thought I'd start again. My favourites have been: Berserk, Elfen Lied, Akira, Fist of the North Star, Claymore, and Guyver. I have Attack on Titan, Full Metal Alchemist, Gantz, Basilisk, Code Geass on my watchlist, Is there anything else similar anyone would recommend? MAL (everything I can remember seeing, probably still a few things missing)
  21. unless you're reading the cricket thread
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