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Everything posted by AVFCDAN

  1. Also don't get drugged off your tits ala spud gun.
  2. Watched Unknown last night. Really recommend it, quite similar to taken in the way that you only know as much as the main character (liam neeson) knows, i think this works really well here and its a fast paced ride with a somewhat original story. Oh and Diane Kruger is stunning (inglorious and troy) 8/10 from me.
  3. Pretty much agree with that, couldn't believe what i was watching at times, cage is off the bloody wall.
  4. Be careful with chicago code, its been cancelled.


    Don't get twitter at all. Feel like im slightly too old to get excited by the likes of facebook and twitter, i was msn'ing and yahoo chatting about 10 years ago, i got all that shite out of my system back then. Don't care anymore.
  6. Sunderland are still gutted about losing their main man! http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=592686 http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=592641
  7. Ive got a bad review for it. It was pure trash imo, really can't see what all the fuss is about.
  8. Good film, but don't expect the next full metal jacket. Only film where i havent thought farrell was a cock to be honest.
  9. Agreed, what a film, nothing will ever touch it imo. One of the few films where you really can't fault any of it.
  10. Insidius is a pile of shite. Love the horror genre hated that film. Just seemed like a carbon copy of paramormal activity with a slightly bigger budget.
  11. Lets look at the cold hard facts here. 1. Our defence is a shambles, keep luke young, keep cuellar, keep clark, clear out the rest, dunne and collins both had a point to prove last year, this year they are coasting and it shows, both very average players and without any real motivation certainly not good enough for a premier league club who wants to trouble the top 6. 2. Our management team is a shambles - get rid of houllier and most certainly get rid of mcallister. Tactic sare horrible at the moment, defence always out of place, cant defend or do anything remotely positive from corners. Also can't remember the last time we scored from a through ball, has there been one this season? Honestly the last one i can remember was when maloney scored against chelsea in that 4 - 4 draw, im probably exagerating big time here but they are so rare! 3. Get anything against Wigan and we are safe. Awful season, lets just put it past us and move on, hopefully next season will mean a new outlook. If Houllier stays in charge we have a load of obscure french players to look forward to.
  12. Easily one of the worst performances this season today. Never even looked like scoring. Something needs to drastically change down at villa park, its just all wrong.
  13. We really havent turned up today at all. Awful performance against relegation fodder.
  14. No i dont blame you, it sounds a bit extreme to me but if you read peoples opinions on laser nearly all of them are unhappy with the results. Laser is only good if you have a weiss ring which is one big circular floater, and even then its iffy at best.
  15. Incorrect my friend, the best guy in the business is actually based in oxford. http://www.eyeconsultant.info/videos-floater-vitrectomy.htm Do you know anything about him? I've never been able to find out much about him, which is important when you're going to let someone laser away bits of dead vitreous. Its something ive suffered with myself although thankfully never enough to warrant surgery but it didn't stop me looking at options though. If you go to this board theres loads of testimonials of people using patel and i havent seen one complaint yet. Hes definitely the person i would use. http://floatertalk.yuku.com/forums/2/Floaters-Only-Vitrectomy I actually use that forum, do you know whether he does laser surgery? the full FOV sounds a bit too risky to me No he doesn't mate, its a waste of time and money, it really doesnt work. Its full fov or nothing.
  16. Incorrect my friend, the best guy in the business is actually based in oxford. http://www.eyeconsultant.info/videos-floater-vitrectomy.htm Do you know anything about him? I've never been able to find out much about him, which is important when you're going to let someone laser away bits of dead vitreous. Its something ive suffered with myself although thankfully never enough to warrant surgery but it didn't stop me looking at options though. If you go to this board theres loads of testimonials of people using patel and i havent seen one complaint yet. Hes definitely the person i would use. http://floatertalk.yuku.com/forums/2/Floaters-Only-Vitrectomy
  17. Incorrect my friend, the best guy in the business is actually based in oxford. http://www.eyeconsultant.info/videos-floater-vitrectomy.htm
  18. Watched Scream 4 last night...... really didn't get it. I wanted to like it, im a bit of a horror buff, easily forgive most films even if they are shit but this was just boring. I didnt look at imdb until after i had watched it and i was even more surprised when i did, all the user reviews are positive and i can't fathom why, it still has a few good ideas that have translated through all of the films since the first one but you just didn't give 2 shits about any of the characters and it was so self aware at times it was laughable.
  19. Thought he was good in Reign over me too. The annoying thing with him is that he CAN act, but chooses to churn out these awful 'comedies' instead. I'm sure he could pick a few more challenging roles amongst the dross but I suppose the almighty dollar dominates. I agree with your comments but what exactly defines success? Excellent character acting with academy award nominations or worldwide fame and mutli million pound actor. Success can be measured in many ways and i don't think Sandler could have achieved much more than he has done really.
  20. Don't wear a watch myself, never bothered with one since ive been carrying a mobile round with me. Wouldn't mind a nice watch but it just gives people an added incentive to rob you really.
  21. Talking of Bruce Lee - I watched ip man 2 yesterday, good fighting but pointless story. First one was really good (if a little inaccurate) but this one is just bat shit crazy to the point where he fights an english boxer with chinese martial arts to prove some kind of point.
  22. I downloaded it from the net, honestly it was laughable. The undertaker match was probably 20-25 minutes long, about 18 minutes of that was spent with them both "dazed" and slowly getting up from the canvas at various times. The cena match was vaguely interesting with some slightly more technical wrestling but still boring as ****. Only good bit was steve austin giving everyone the stunner and then drinking beer in the ring. Terrible doesn't even begin to describe that shit heap.
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