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Everything posted by AVFCDAN


    Top Gear

    I understand the criticism of certain things but that's Top Gear, if you want something else then you are essentially looking for a different show, thought it was a good episode and looking forward to some of the stuff they showed in the opening clip later in the series.
  2. For a lot of people yes but not for me personally. His best film for me is Inglorious but from the first half of django I honestly thought it was going to top it.
  3. Totally agree with this, from the first half of the film I thought this is going to be tarantinos masterpiece but by the end it was still an amazing film although I probably like inglorious a little bit more. Still a 9/10 film for me
  4. Playing FarCry myself, really good game, has a lot of potential. Really enjoyed Dishonored as well, thought that was brilliant.
  5. I hope Lambert realises how effective the 3 attacking options of Weimann, Gabby and Benteke looked, the game yesterday was the first time i've seen something similar to what he had at Norwich, looked dangerous everytime we went forward really.
  6. Totally agree re: total recall. It was truly awful, I stopped watching after an hour and left it running, came back an hour layer to see he was still being chased. The world they created was beautiful but in terms of character development and script they were just non existent, I didn't give two **** about anyone. 2/10 and that's a point for both of the females.
  7. This is probably my favourite, very powerful.
  8. Still looking mate? I have a link to the whole 5 seasons which you can stream online, if anyone is interested pm me.
  9. I only started watching about a month ago and I've just finished the whole thing, best television series ever. I think there was one or two bad episodes in 5 seasons, the bench mark of quality in that show is just unreal, the acting, the writing, it's all incredible.
  10. Just had an email from fitness first saying I'm in the top 15% of regular visitors, no idea if it's bullshit or not but I was happy with it. That is all.
  11. lol what a lazy putt from tiger woods, there's going to be some very pissed off people with bets on the draw there, I was very close to backing it at 16/1 but thank god I didn't take it now.
  12. Enjoy the ride. Best season of the lot. Definitely this. Season 4 is the best season of any TV show ever. Final episode is a masterpiece. I'd say Breaking Bad season 4 with the Wire not far behind. I'm yet to sample Breaking Bad, so you may well be right. And if you are right, then I can't WAIT to finally watch BB! Honestly mate as soon as you get a chance get the first season of breaking bad, I don't watch any of these shows normally but I gave it a chance and it's fricking excellent.
  13. Yeah I totally agree with that to be honest, the film could definitely have Dow with an extra 20 mins or so to develop the characters a bit more so you cared about them but it really seemed as if the humans were secondary to the bigger picture which I can sort of understand, I guess the original alien was sort of the opposite.
  14. Are you saying that she knew it was him or did he just deduce that it was him because weyland turned up pretty soon after holloway became infected.
  15. I watched it in the cinema and rewatched again from the rip, I think I need to see it again though, there's a lot of stuff in the film which asks more questions but it's hard to know if that's intentional or just lazy scripting etc... Something else that springs to mind is right at the end David says to shaw I know we haven't seen eye to eye but I am your only chance to get off this planet, what exactly did he mean by that, shaw didn't know he infected holloway and I don't recall them having an argument prior to that.
  16. More Spoilers below!!! Holloway got infected by David when he put a drop of the black stuf into his drink, I found this to be an interesting plot point, why did David target holloway, was it simply because he was drunk so he was a easy target or did David take exception to holloways earlier comments about him being just a robot.
  17. Can you tell me what the flaws and mistakes are? I'm not exactly au fait with the aliens films but i enjoyed Prometheus as a stand alone film, does it not fit in with the rest of the films?
  18. Went to see Dredd yesterday, loved it! Thought Karl Urban was really good, the girl who played Anderson did a good job. I'm not a massive 3d fan but it worked for this movie, Kermode slates every 3d film but it does work here, would be interested to see it in 2d just to compare. Thought they did the right thing mainly focusing on one area, with a low ish budget he was never going to take on the whole city. 8/10 for me.
  19. Event Horizon is a classic in my eyes, not many films are creepy but he manages to pull it off.
  20. What would you say the average cost is per day/week on your kit mate? I'm using the disposable e-lites and although I have no complaints about it the cost is slightly worrying. One disposable tip is supposed to be 40 fags but without particularly heavy use one tip is lasting me about 3-4 days even though I was only a 5-6 day smoker, so it's still costing me similar to what the real thing cost, might change over to a refillable one.
  21. I've had my e-lite for 2 weeks today, working wonders for me at the minute, started using it with the intention of cutting out a few cigarettes but I've cut right down now, I've probably had 20 fags in 2 weeks but about 12 of them are accountable to 2 all day drinking sessions when I was quite happy to have a few, apart from that I've smoked about 8 fags in 14 days. My chest has cleared right up and I'm running further and easier at the gym than ever before, it's all been rather easy.
  22. Can't wait for Dredd, especially if its an 18, after the 12a rating for total recall i was afraid this would be another watered down mess but thankfully not. Also Kill List - terrible movie, really poor i thought.
  23. Looks like Johnson is definitely on the way to make room for Sinclair, think that's a signing we could and should be making, would fit perfectly into our team, if we could get him and jones from stoke I would be confident of a half decent season.
  24. I ordered from www.e-lites.co.uk Used a code from the sun for 200 fags worth for free so the whole lot cost me 23 quid. Will report back how I'm getting on in a few days, hopefuly it inspires someone else to take the plunge.
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