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Everything posted by Sam-AVFC

  1. At least he’s still got it as his phone cover.
  2. To be fair @sir_gary_cahill Grealish said himself in that interview that he’s got to improve a lot. I don’t think there’s any problem holding him to high standards as long as we’re not suddenly booing him when he hits a poor patch of form.
  3. @Dr_Pangloss this is a quote from Grealish in The Athletic article released this week. I’d be amazed if he ends up on the left unless he is forced there through injuries.
  4. And do they mean 'most massive' literally? It's a good start if they do!
  5. Jumping ahead a few years for when they'll all be run off of super hi-res satellite images? Not that I know if that's even a plan.
  6. Or road crossings. Actually makes a lot of sense that the AI learning would be used for other purposes and there does seem to be a theme.
  7. I think he's fine as a specialist batsman as long as the openers play themselves in a bit. He will always have some howlers though as doesn’t have very much discipline in how he I’ll plays.
  8. I would recommend signing up for a free trial if you haven't done so before - it's one of those you can immediately cancel (so you don't forget it will charge you) and retain access during the trial. As well as the articles on Grealish & Vlaar, there is a short one on Mings and the Stephen Ireland article that all those recent quotes came from is also quite interesting. Also an article from 2 days ago about Di Matteo where he talks about his time at Villa. Looks like it's well worth the 1 minute sign-up to me.
  9. Sure, I'm happy to post both. If it is a problem I can just download them as PDFs and send to people.
  10. Based on this quote from that article in The Athletic, I would definitely rule it out! “Some people say I should be a left winger. No thanks. I hate that position! I’m a No 8. I’ll play No 10 if asked, but I haven’t played there for three years,” he says. “I like my current position and I’m excited for the rest of the season. I speak to the manager every day about football and we want to make Villa an exciting team playing on the front foot. I’m confident we will get there.”
  11. I've just signed up for a free trial so I can read it. Is there anything in the forum rules stopping me posting the whole thing here?
  12. It's not just me that has to use it for work and hates it then! Looking inside the shops can actually be useful for me, but I'm with you that most of the time that it just drives you mad pinging to completely the wrong place.
  13. Just stick a hinge in the middle and if Scotland ever leaves it can pivot round to the Isle of Man, then we just build another one form there to Blackpool. Easy peasy.
  14. Did you read the experts view by an offshore engineer a few posts before yours? Or are you the acceptable face of a VT approved expert? I'm also pretty amazed they reckon they could get such a huge project completed by November 1st as I'm pretty sure they've promised no problems on the border at all.
  15. What's the most egregiously racist thing that Diane Abbot has done in your opinion.?
  16. In terms of asset valuations of the property, absolutely not as it is simply an estimated cost to rebuild the stadium. With a sale you I would expect it to be considered, but I don't know any property valuers who would have the balls to actually try and assign a figure to this as it's so far away from our area of expertise. It's certainly something I'd never touch. There must be companies that specialise in valuing intangible elements like this though.
  17. This certainly matches up with my experience of knowing a lot of people in rural Somerset who have huge problems with immigration, whereas no one I know from London seems to have had any issues at all, whether perceived or actual. But then this is an area that they also complain about all the Londoners coming in and buying the houses, so they're not the most open to 'outsiders' generally.
  18. Mass isn't size though, it's mass. Unless you mean volume and mistyped?
  19. It wouldn’t come into the stadium value at all as it’s simply a rebuild cost, but I’m also interested in how this is treated by one of our accounts experts. I’d assume it wouldn’t be included, but I was reading something about the value of the Trump brand recently that makes me think maybe it is.
  20. @CityInPeace Thanks for the detailed response! I must admit my knowledge of accounts is lacking so a lot of what you have written I couldn't even begin to try and answer. I'm an chartered surveyor specialising in valuation hence why I focus on the issue of the stadium valuation. They could be exactly the same thing, but they could also differ hugely. The difference is an existing use value can only value what is there for the use, whereas a market value assumes the most valuable use as that is how the market would operate. For example, a community centre valued as market value would likely take into account the potential for development and assume this (all risks would be calculated in the valuation) whereas an existing use value could only value it as a community centre so would probably be based on comparable rents and yields of similar D4 properties in the locality. I just don't see how they can go hard on us. By definition loopholes are within the rules. Intention is irrelevant as the EFL acted completely incompetently in changing the wording and left a great big hole for people to navigate. Now this is a very interesting point. II'm not sure they can say you can't sell between subsidiaries as it will all come down to whether the valuation was carried out correctly and professionally. Definitely raises further questions though. This is my point on people forming opinions based on the value of others. Do you have an insight into rebuild costs etc or are you simply basing this on 'feel' and comparable valuations? As someone who has carried out these types of valuations, £56m seems completely reasonable. All the other accounting tricks I'll have to defer to you on. Fair Value actually differs slightly from EUV, but without getting into minutae I think you've used the correct term (with me in the wrong) as I'm pretty sure accounting standards changed after I stopped working on asset vals. The bolded bits simply mean that the valuer has to value it in that way, not that the actual transaction needs to be arms length. This is specifically to stop any problems with people questioning impartiality and is why I still can't see the club being punished specifically for overvaluing the stadium. If we were and had a pop at our surveyors' PII, would this count in FFP transactions?!
  21. I'm not sure I understand quite what you're getting at, @CityInPeace? Is the point that the value of the asset in our books was written down? If it is, it's irrelevant as I have done asset valuations for a lot of organisations who might write an asset down when they can afford to and increase it when they need to show better results. On what basis do you think £56m is overvaluing it? I ask because I've seen a lot of people who clearly don't know how these things work say that is overvalued because The Madjeski as valued at X or it is potentially too low because Pride Park is valued at Y. The valuation will be based on the price to rebuild the stadium at the same quality with the current land (or local equivalent of). Obviously there would be large downward adjustments to account for obsolescence, but £56m seems fairly sensible to me when you look at the build costs of these large projects. It also looks sensible from the point of view of someone who has carried out these valuations professionally before, albeit not for stadiums. Further confusion can be caused as certain things may have an Existing Use Value (value with current use ie you can't value a park as a potential devlopment site) in the accounts, but you would obviously only sell for Market Value (self explanatory). Having not done asset vals for a few years I must admit where and when each is used is a little hazy! I've written a bit about methods of valuation and why I really can't see the club getting in trouble for this over the last couple of pages which may be worth a skim. The issue is the EFL leaving a stupid loophole open and they should just close it ASAP if they don't want clubs to use it. There is also a bigger issue of allowable losses and payments to the EFL not keeping up with the transfer market. Feel free to ask any questions on behalf of your Bristol City friends as it seems to be the big issue of the day for some
  22. I think it's more to do with your views than explicitly stating you support the Conservatives. I've probably missed something, but it seems to me like when someone is really pushing you to criticise Boris (or his government) you go to great lengths to avoid doing it apart from saying you don't support everything they do. This might be because of your Brexit position and being wary of undermining it, but I struggle to believe anyone who doesn't loudly denounce (not just ignore) Boris' tricks to try and get his way with no deal can be anything but a Conservative. I'd like to think a 'considered' Leave voter would at least rally against this as they'd be concerned for the long term constitutional precedents, whereas your average Conservative voter wouldn't give a toss.
  23. £6.20 at the place I often go for a pint at lunch. Shit pub too. I only go there as it's off the beaten track which I prefer if I'm having one during the day. I've been working in London for quite a few years now and also went to uni in Greater London. You start to get used to it, but £6+ is the price that has woken me up again tto how ridiculous it is. I miss Somerset as there would always be some sort of dirty cider the local is trying to get rid of for ~£2 a pint.
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