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Everything posted by Ingram85

  1. Deleted it at the end of Feb and I haven't missed it one bit. Went to Google+ but I don't use that either. Its twitter for me, the best of a bad bunch of mostly meaningless 'social' interaction utilities.
  2. AST Computers? A ****ing yogurt? Edit: Got there in the end
  3. Change the awful menu's and the structure of the racing campaign. Add more premium cars and new tracks. That's all that is needed.
  4. Daniel, never under estimate what MS will do. It was confirmed by a lot of journalists present at the xbone unveiling that all the cheering and hollering was not coming from them but rather from the ms staff at the back of the room out of view of the cameras. How sad.
  5. Would it be weird to post a pic of yourself sitting on the throne just moments before the aftermath of eating two shami kebabs with extra chilli sauce and jalapeños followed by spicy noodles and chilli prawns?
  6. King of the Ring (Pieces) Also, have I been killed off or summat ffs? Was my 3:16 moment a few pages ago completely ignored. I'm gonna do a Lesnar WM XX.
  7. Yeah and with coca colas weight behind us maybe they can convince sneijder and kallstrom to join?
  8. Sounds creepy as hell. Old kids toys behind a door painted as a tombstone?
  9. Cut the music! Are you kidding me? All of you in the crowd chanting my name should listen up, as should a few of you in the back. Its time for a sit down. I signed a very generous contract to come work here, not generous to me I might add as its one without a god damn salary too. I have a few meetings, say hello to a few of the guys, yadda yadda yadda. Whatever. Doesn't matter. Y'see, a few months ago, Limpids little lady Sophie, she singled me out and told me I was to be crowned the inaugural VT World Champion, she even gave me assurances I'd be main eventing, even get my chance to make it to the top and get a title shot should the title be rescinded from my finely tuned waist. Well I guess a lot can happen in a few days. I haven't heard from Sophie in a while. Belt taken from me. I inevitably got screwed in my match again that talentless, perverted slob Rob and then to top off a just real swell time it looks like the main event is too good for me now. Well I'm done with this crap. Done with suits, hacks and disappearing little lady's promises. I'll take my chances when I see fit. A message to you idiots in the crowd, a message to you in the back and a message to you at HQ. Sleep with one eye open. I'll be around. Its time.
  10. More importantly, why should they have to at all?
  11. Still confusing as ****. Plus you can only pass the game on once. How will that **** up the used games market?
  12. Any perps that haven't seen Dredd? 5 years solitary incarceration.
  13. Pics are up. Nothing new shown apart Guzans collar. Kits unveiled next Wednesday.
  14. Well done mate. A few pints well deserved.
  15. Yet I'm sure you've probably met and called people, "not a real fan" with respect to Villa. Or someone who watches just England or big Prem games and that's the limit of his fandom. He'd make comments during a match which show he's not as serious a football fan and you'd roll your eyes.... As I said, it's not Coffee, it's everything and it's as common as the sun rising in the morning. Nope, nope & nope. Also, I have no idea what your trying to say. Shall we all just have a cappuccino?
  16. I and other Android users say **** you!
  17. I'll play through it for the both of us. Obviously you won't be able to see how awesome it is while I have a great time but while I'm playing through one of the best games on ps3 as you sit in your exam room, I'll momentarily think of you.
  18. Woahhhhhh oh oh oh....... its WORDREMOVEDIA!
  19. Delphino as Zeb Colter?
  20. Jeez. Your are buzz Killington and I claim my £5.
  21. Surely latte, which uses coffee flavour, which would be attained from coffee beans, which would be attained from coffee pods would still rightly be called coffee? Most people deem latte to be a form of coffee, hence why EVERY coffee house serves the stuff. Ultimately though, who gives a flying **** about it enough to get on a high horse and tell other people what constitutes being allowed to be called coffee. Jesus christ. You drink your coffee, I'll drink mine.
  22. I think the halves or quarters start under that seam going across under the badge and macron logo.
  23. Good man. I approve wholeheartedly.
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