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Everything posted by Ingram85

  1. Just opened a bottle of Meantime Chocolate Porter.
  2. In the video when Guzan models the kit the song sings "you can take me if you want to". Indeed.
  3. I am strongly opposed to the growth of internet gambling. I hate it and I don't want to see my club helping this insidious strategy to seduce new and unwitting customers, a proportion of whom are going to get in way above their heads, with consequences for some individuals of debt, destroyed personal relationships and a host of wider problems. I posted two articles based on careful research which show a strong link between internet gambling and high levels of gambling addiction, particularly amongst new groups previously unfamiliar with gambling. You haven't refuted those so I have to assume you accept their veracity. Given all that how dare you imply that my reasoned opposition to online gambling is hypocritical? That is the sort of comment that makes forums like this a waste of time for people seeking to have serious debate. You haven't made any sensible or telling points in this debate; you are losing the argument, so you resort to stupid and offensive abuse. Probably better just to butt out. Breathe. Count to ten. Settle the **** down Stefan is right.
  4. Spot on, petty point scoring. Usual suspects I'm afraid . Bit sad a mod is getting off on it too. Unbelievable. I'd say I'm amazed at the startling amount of irony and sheer lack of self awareness but if I was a gambling man (troll face) then I'd wager it was done on purpose to begin with. Do you actually believe the stuff you type?
  5. Bit of a shit nickname. Webbo or Webs would be better I think.
  6. I love the faint pin stripe detail going down both shirts. Will get both I think. Best home shirt in a very long time.
  7. Where is it?! Aaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!
  8. Sorry, No products found. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!
  9. No. But this one could be. Its all a matter of opinion of course
  10. Also, I wouldn't call posting for attention/effect 'having an opinion'. I'd call it 'increasing ones post count'.
  11. Its not showing off if you back it up.
  12. This is Sophie No idea who she actually is, you don't get a choice of assistant. Believe in the Sophie!
  13. Lazy? Only had one bloody match Been doing these backstage shenanigans all the while.
  14. I'd quite like two accounts (I tried it, admin were all over me like a cheap geek police suit), one of which would mostly be nasty reactionary me. I was gonna do this, username would have been Pat Sharp. It would be a gimmick based around mullets, barely legal girls who are twins and the demise of a career ending up with appearances on crap reality shows.
  15. What happened to Sophie and my push? Bah! Stefan, Jenny, I don't waste my time with peasants, neither of you are worthy of my attention BUT I'll finish what we started first with you two. However, my purpose is now apparent, my aim in VT EWR is clear, may not be now, may have to wait but this all I'll say. Me. CI. Texas Death Match. Hell in Vassell.
  16. Best E3 in a very long time.
  17. This ain't a love song to them or anything but pre-middle aged Bon Jovi are great. Always will be. We shall ignore the haters because we can, its my life and I'll listen to who I want.
  18. Privacy guidelines alone should be enough for most to delete it, then factor in paid adverts flooding your news feed, suggestions, game invites etc.... Its turd.
  19. What's wrong with a bit of old school Bon Jovi?!
  20. This video reminded me of trying to score the perfect Roberto Larcos free kick. Happy memories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfQdr1Au9y8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  21. Don't support but keep an eye on and buy the shirts of.... Marseille Juvé Villarreal Ajax
  22. I've never seen it. Worth a watch then?
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