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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. With the greatest of respect, that to some greater or lesser extent defines this Aston Villa side. The teams that let's us play are dispatched, those that don't have the potential to beat us and beat us heavily.
  2. The commentator just said, Liverpool have gained more points against Aston Villa than any other opponent in their history.
  3. Our season won't be defined by this result, but it does tell you we aren't at the level we were at the end of last season. Sure, there are some pretty compelling mitigating circumstances, but still. Facts are facts. We've been well beaten by the two good teams we've played this season. Need to smarten up ASAP, or it will be mid table only for us at best this year.
  4. We have not competed today. A poor opponent for Liverpool. In fact, we have been utter wank.
  5. Well played Liverpool, you are the much better team today.
  6. The philosopher is always ponderous. Perhaps there is more time to think in La Liga.
  7. It's no surprise that we are losing to Liverpool, but it's a touch disappointing for them to be achieving it so easily. I'd say Unai's been out thought so far. Not the end of the world if we lose, just disappointing. Further disappointment in the fact that the few chances we have had have been wasted. That said, IF we score next we are still in it.
  8. Mr Pau is our weak link under pressure and the opponents know it. Hmmm.
  9. Wembley Arena, I can feel the electricity, see'mon !
  10. Speculation, is by its nature, subjective and yes, more often than not, made up. Congratulations for noticing. Guess what, everyone else realizes that too. It's also the basis of most Internet forum discussion... none of us knows what is really going on at our favourite football clubs, but we care passionately, so we speculate, sometimes even while indulging ridiculous ideas out of boredom or just for the hell of it. With that in mind, the moderating you would like to see happen, is just unrealistic. So long as people are speculating in the speculation thread, I'm not sure there's a need for the service you are providing. You say, "fair enough", as if acknowledging the pointlessness of your outrage, so will you now give it a rest?
  11. The window is closing today, so I'm sure you will be relieved to know that this frivolous, loose lipped speculation thread, will also be slamming shut. An observation and a question for you, as it does though. Firstly, you do realize that by now, because your bitching is so incessant, your posts have finally reached parody level, right? The beauty of comments like the Alvarez one, is that it shows it's actually your sex on fire and people on here are now gleefully and deliberately pouring petrol on it to watch you do your thing. It's genuinely hilarious watching you losing your shit... Again. And again. And again... Pointlessly, without succeeding in your valiant health and safety mission! The genuine, heartfelt question I have, is why do you bother? People have told you they don't care for your advice, yet you are still offering it. Of course you are free to do so, but it's actually pointless.
  12. Why would that bother you?
  13. For those finding the old habit of assuming the worst just too hard to shake... Worth remembering, it is both possible that he was shit at Spurs and is still a good player worth signing today. The first fact does not absolutely permanently preclude the second from being true. T'was not that long ago our whole squad was shit under Stevie G and now look at them.
  14. Another lovely performance from the lads. Could have and probably should have had more. Nice cameo from Zani. My stream died just before their goal, what happened? Olsen did okay, but also a few mistakes - we coped very well, considering.
  15. Absolutely superb first half. I love seeing Villa dominate games. It's when you know you are actually, finally, a properly good team. But, the truly sexual thing is that it has been achieved in such a short period of time. We have traveled light years from the 'happily concede possession, hit 'em on the break, moment of magic' shite that we've endured for most of my adult life! I love you Unai!
  16. Presume not if they are buying strikers.
  17. I agree and think you are right that we will bring someone in, but I also wouldn't rule out us being disappointed on that score!
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