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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. Our first eleven really doesn't really stand up to much change.
  2. Yeah, not so sure, some Villa fans on here seem to treat him like the second coming.
  3. A few weeks ago I was trashed for suggesting he maybe wasn't on it. Not much doubt now.
  4. You underestimate their collective quality. They might have had individually inferior players, but they played as a team and were able to prosper because of it. Our defensive line up was cack handed, slow and mismatched. He should have had the best team on from the start. Simple as that.
  5. Yeah, to the supposed weakest (Bosnian) team in the group, who I think we play next.
  6. Think this sums up Villa's challenge this year. Greater fan expectation (despite the loss of key personnel), means the 'should win' matches have the potential to feel like 'must wins' and that pressure can interfere with the team's confidence/flow. The new additions have to step up and there's no guarantee they will (Diaby the only sure fire, so far), which is why I'm not approaching this game, or this season, with blind confidence. I think we are going to have to play our way into it, like we did last year, so it will probably seem disappointing at times, as we find the right blend. Hope for and expect a win, but would not be surprised if we draw or lose, in that order of likelihood.
  7. Irrespective of the relative merits of Anwar El Ghazi joining Munchester not particularly United, I would like to register my visceral hatred for people who start social media posts with, "I'm hearing..." The very idea that you, Aaron from Milton Keynes, are some kind of soothsayer is **** ridiculous and yet, he does it automatically, fully believing he is the Hercule Poirot of football journalism.
  8. You are guessing at these things, right? At least admit that. They might be guesses based on a hunch or two you have about X, or something you have seen in Y, but they are still guesses, right? Please do feel free to share the pretext of your guesses.
  9. They were supposedly weakened today - makeshift central defensive partnership. Hardly troubled them. We looked weak. Lacked energy.
  10. Yes, weak, not very good teams = fine. Good, aggressive, accurate passing teams = worrying. Mid table, at best.
  11. Yup. I'm confident Unai will get us fizzing eventually, but we were a million miles off it today. Worrying that his top priority signing Pau was tosh, his obvious weaknesses fully exposed, as expected, by a good opponent. Maybe this year is just about beating sub standard Conference League teams.
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