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Everything posted by Dom_Wren

  1. wife beater at hooters, wife beater at the house, hate to be my missus tonight.
  2. Vegas, Stay at Hooters casino hotel. 3$ blackjack 2.99$ breakfasts 1.50$ bud, bud lights and bud light limes good pools and tiki bar 20$ a night to stay MGM is a 2 minute walk away pool parties at different casinos will give you all the crumpet you could ever wish for, If not hookers everywhere. In fact the three best looking girls ive ever seen (they were in MGM), were working girls....Drop.Dead.Stunning they were. But im a married man so had to be content with playing blackjack with Samuel L. Jackson
  3. I agree with this and If Moyes is not coming then I think its got to be the only other option. Soccernet reporting hes been interviewed. Surely weve got to believe hes a better appoitment than Curbs, Houllier etc....?
  4. Thanks mate! I think we need a GK and if we get rid of Carew and Heskey at the end of the season, another ST to complement Delf, Gabby and Weinman. I just couldnt come up with many good names. GK - Given? ST - Zamora? Caroll? Santa Cruz? Id also like to get rid of downing, sidwell, Beye and maybe add Park from United but doubt hed want to come, think adding those player plus a reserve LB and the coleman lad from Everton as RB cover would give us options galore: GK: Given or A. N. Other Guzan Defs: Young, L. Coleman Collins Davies Clark Dunne Cueller Warnock A. N. Other LB Mids: NRC Stan Muntari Delph Young, A Park Ireland Albrighton Donovan Forwards: Gabby Zamora Delf Weinman With the outlay for Park, Zamora, Muntari, Donovan, Given, Coleman and a reserve LB I think your looking at 40-50 million. Sell Heskey, Downing, Sidders and Carew (is his contract expired at end of season?) Beye, Friedel (contract up?), I could even handle Davies and NRC leaving to free up wage space, so your looking at maybe 20 million for that lot, plus the 18 million from Milner, your looking at around 10 million net spending to bring those new faces in, I reckon Randy can spring for that Edit, DOH forgot Muntari!
  5. Perfection! Not bad at all, Collins in at CB depending on form and opponent, same with NRC/Petrov/Delph But if I would love to see this: -------------------------------------Friedel----------------------------------------- Young-------------Cuellar/Collins---------------------Dunne-------------------Warnock Donovan----------Petrov/NRC---------------Delph/Muntari-------Young -----------------------------------Ireland---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------Gabby---------------------------------------
  6. Id love Moyes, break the bank for him. It will be Sven I think. And thats probably spot on at this time, be interesting to see his contract length.
  7. yeah could see that, just think they will want a target man of sorts. Esp if Ade goes.
  8. Anybody think if they sell Ade, they will get a 'star' signing in up top? Torres, Ibra etc...? I do.
  9. Ive always been here legally Levi and am still not one of 'yous' yet, but am working on that..... I have my green card now for 2 years, once that is up I file for another to prove im married, this card is the good for 10 years. However on august 24th 2013 I can begin the process for citizenship, which I will do, and I dont have to give up my British passport. Basically I can still be deported, cant vote, or draw social security, however I can work where I want instead of just with the school district I am employed with, and I travel on my card, which means no long lines coming into the country, as I come thru the US citizens line. Which is huge!! All that info was given to me by my lawyer, so I hope its correct.
  10. Nelsons tonight. Celebrating getting my green card today!
  11. That silly sloshbucket whos married to that basketball player, one of the kardahi whatever sisters. She looks like the back end of a dented RUC van. The other 2, aye.
  12. Good work fella! There doing a massive promotion at Hooters with Sam and have the regular plus summer ale on tap, they are also getting the octoberfest, so I shall, have to, on your recomendation, sample a few big daddys of it!
  13. No sir, I have stumbled. Had a few swallies over the last few days, and am supping on a nice one of these right now, with one of my best mates birthdays tonight it could get a little lionel messi, and I have to be up to gaff @6:15am tha morrow.
  14. I would like to A.) Salute you and B.) Join you.
  15. I like a corona when its 900 million degrees like it gets over here sometimes. Used to drink about 20 a night during Clemson soccer camp after being out in the bloody heat all day.
  16. UNC alumni (can you be alumni even though you didnt graduate?). Theres hope for a few more of these lads over here yet. There is some serious players over here guys......
  17. They did lose some key players and England were uncharacteristically decent in the same qualifying group. He's not someone I'm desperate for but he certainly has potential. If not then Dom Wren has certainly done enough to deserve a go tbh. :winkold: This man knows best!! See.
  18. The world has stopped on its axis, Dom. p,.s. Hope you're not tom and dick. Nah mate not sick, Actually Dantes thread, plus an over excess in Vegas made me realize I need to tow the line, so ive gone for a lifestlye change. Trying to go at least four weeks without beer. Done one so far. Worked out and ran every day this week and ate really good, all organic food. So with work about to start back up just trying to take advantage of being busy and not really having time to get lashed all the time!
  19. Off the ale for a while so water and tea for me
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