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Everything posted by Dom_Wren

  1. From college Levi you cheeky bastard! Bit of both Rob None taken Gingerlad.
  2. Me and the missus at her graduation party:
  3. Interesting about Buddle, Would love to see Landon Donovan here.
  4. Come on lads. Khan deserved that over the 12 rounds.
  5. Bushmills and the black stuff......On a school night.
  6. It shows you cannot forget. He lost me tonight. Me too mate, Me too.
  7. Blimey Baz! what do you mean blimey?? Lol it's true, it's just bollocks. I'll worry about results/performances I don't give much of a shit about owt else. Do the results/performances worry you? I can handle losing, and I can handle bad performances, but tonight I saw a manager that has lost the team, and after hearing him post match, I can see why!
  8. I think that hes lost the dressing room, and that, if true, is enough to get someone new in to give the lads a shot in the arm. These players did not become shite overnight, well not all of them anyway For me - I know Jol been mentioned, would deffo take him.If not, Someone who can manage personalities, Ranieri with a tactically astute assistant say Steve Clarke.
  9. No. I can take losses I can take us not playing well I can handle him having excuses But I cant handle what he said tonight. I think im just coming out of the shock of him saying that......Plus it looks like the dressing room has gone, and lets be honest, I wouldnt play for him either.
  10. No chance. Jog on. And what Gringo said.
  11. This was taken in my gym at the middle school I teach PE at. We have 'spirit days' where we can wear the jerseys of our favorite American Colleges, well any excuse to wear the badge as I only support one team ever really. Barmy Army!
  12. First of all, we have 10 players out in one of the most physical places to play in the league. Still think he should have gone 4-4-2. those 10 players include Heskey and NRC who relish this type of game....Couple that with some signings well be alright lads. Anyway shit performance! Friedel - 6 -Did great all game but the first goal was diabloical Young - 6 - Full of running and played much higher up 2nd half Warnock - 5 - Struggling a bit lately Clark - 6 - Didnt do a lot wrong Dunne - 6 - Made one fantastic block, looks kanckered all the time! Young - 7 - Worked hard, made a couple of wrong decisions, but always wanted the ball and unlucky with the header off the bar Hogg - 6 - Nothing too good or too bad from the lad today Ireland - 6 - There is a player in him lads, a big time player, bit of a fairy though Bannan - 7 - MOTM, classy player, always keeps possession, real gem in the making is Barry Zidane Downing - 6 - Started strong, finished not so much Gabby - 5 - No serivce, out of shape, playing against 4 defenders, bad day at the office. looks short of confidence as well. Subs: Pires - 6 -Still got it, will be used in this role a lot, feed him the ball and he will use it well Delf - 6 - Got inbehind Blackburn twice more than Gabby did Herd - N/A - Not on long enough, although did get himself on the end of a corner well
  13. "Get **** Gabby running" Heard that from somebody, dunno if it was a player or coach.
  14. Me wearing a speical gift at Hooters:
  15. more of the emerald isle's finest black stuff for me, preceded by a few pacificos.
  16. been drinking a lot of this lately, which some fellow VTers have been. Hobgoblin is a good shout as well!
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