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Everything posted by colhint

  1. Must be a big strong fella for his age is he? I'm sure it's pretty exciting thinking what the future might hold there especially as he's at a decent level already He is big and strong. To be honest they play him in the wrong position, He plays prop, but he's too tall for that, and too fast. But because he is so strong they rarely lose a scrum. When a couple of others bulk up a bit, he can probably move to flanker, which the coach and I think will be his best position. And he prefers making a big tackle to scoring a try. We played a game a while back and the opposition had a huge Fijian playing for them, in the backs. He went off crying after one big hit. It lifted our team no end. Turns out he was huge and fast but soft as shite
  2. In Cricket, if two batsmen try for a second run, and one doesn't make it and he is run out. Fine, but the first run still stands. So if a batsmen smacks it high in the air to long off and they set off and try to run two but the ball is caught before they complete the second run, does the first run count?
  3. So pleased for my Lad. Playing a good standard in the Local under 12's team. Well anyway, tonight in training he brought the coach down with a perfect tackle. Now this guy was playing back row for Exeter seconds only 6 years ago. So he's still big and fit. He got a cheer, the first one to bring down a proper grown up.
  4. colhint


    If you really want it to go up in 15 minutes, I would look at this bell tent http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/rachfizz/m.html?item=231475173195&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 i would get the lot.
  5. colhint


    With camping, and taking your partner and kids, it's all about comfort. If its cold and horrible, or water gets in the tent, well forget it after that. Any money you spent will be lost. It'll just be stored in the loft for years. So equipment is as important as the tent. Now as for tents. It depends on your budget. There are several types, the most common are Tunnel or dome. Tunnel will give you more space on a pitch, so that would be my first option. Then there is the bedroom set up. Rear bedrooms or vis a vis. Vis a vis have bedrooms either end, so the entrance is through a side door. I don't think this is so good, as they tend to be darker inside, as rear bedroom tents generally have more windows. Next is the hydrostatic head. This is just a measure of waterproofness. It is usually shown as HH on the tent, and measured in 1000's. So a 1000 HH is not as good as a 5000 HH A 1000 will still be waterproof to a degree, but after 2 or 3 hours of showers, will seep rainwater. Think of the HH as a sponge, the higher the HH the bigger the sponge and soak more water. For camping in the UK I wouldn't consider anything less than 3000, and to be honest 5000 would keep you dry in a monsoon. To be honest, this is where the Lichfields and brands like this fail. Next is height. Do not think you can get your partner to enjoy camping if she can't stand up to get dressed. Poles. There are steel, fibreglass and a mix of the 2. Do not go for 9.5mm fiberglass. They will break, If not on your first trip they will on your second. On any campsite you will see the broken ones in the bins. Steel ones are far more sturdy, but heavier. Steel covered fibreglass, often called duratec are quite good. Sewn in groundsheet is a must. No mud rain or creepy crawlies can get in from underneath. Then you have to consider how long to pitch. We can get a 6 berth and all equipment up in under an hour(we have a lot of equipment) It is definitely a two man job. Practice putting the tent up in the garden before you go. You don't want your first time to be doing it in a drizzle. Also if it is a new tent put it up and then turn the hosepipe on it. This seals it, you will also spot any leaks. Also get a Tarpaulin. to put under the tent. This stops mud and keeps it drier. Never put a tent away wet. It will go mouldy. If it's raining when you get home put the tent up again in the garden ASAP to let it dry. The other tent I would consider is a bell tent, they go up in about 15 minutes for one person are very sturdy but expensive. The other proble albeit minor, is you have to crouch to get in. the other rule of thumb is, if it only takes 15 mins to put up a strong wind will probably bring it down in that time Then there is the equipment, cooking sitting eating sleeping and keeping warm. There are plenty of cookers on the market but you should probably go for briefcase cookers, quite cheap but relatively expensive to run (aerosol canisters) If you enjoy camping then you can upgrade. If you go for proper gas bottle cookers, these are much cheaper to run, but the gas is usually sold on a returns basis, so if you haven't got on to start with it'll cost an arm and a leg to get started. Better of going to the local tip, there are usually a few there, then use that for the exhange, It' ll save you about £25. Sitting and eating, just whatever table and chairs take you and your budgets fancy. Sleeping DO NOT SKIMP HERE. If you can afford it get an aerobed, worth their weight in gold. Don't bother with sleeping bags. Take sheets and quilts from home, plus three extra blankets. Put one blanket under the bed, it creates a barrier between the ground and the bed, makes it much warmer. You will need some lighting and heating, plenty on the market. To be honest though the best way is to get EHU (electric hook up) cable Nearly all campsites have EHU, so you just plug in to the metre and bring it into the tent, then you can just bring a table lamp and a fan heater from home. An inspection lamp works really well. One of the good things about EHU is the comfort, you can charge you phone, use hair straighteners, Use IPOD etc. Campsites After the location and facilities the most important thing is the bogs and showers. If you get the ideal spot on copacabana beach, but the bogs are dirty, she'll never go again. Check UKcampsite, people do leave lots of reviews about cleanliness. Plus they have a fantastic campsite search facility. Now this all comes from a long time camping and a few costly errors. But now with about £2500 worth of gear, most l picked up from ebay and a spend of about £600. we have fantastic holidays for about £25 a night for 4 of us. Now is a good time to buy. Check out ebay, You get great second hand tents at this time of year, no one starts buying till after Easter. And think of it like this, if it was your first car, would you buy a brand new one. Probably not more likely second hand but better quality for the same money
  6. colhint


    it's the match in a minute. I can't answer yet. Do not but anything yet till I get back to you probably in a day or so. I camp loads. and have learned by experience
  7. No but I have seen them, one night when I was staying with her during her divorce, she went to bed and I did some work downstairs. She came down crying her eyes out , she was wearing a nightie and I gave her a hug and as we let go it all got entangled and they were their on view.
  8. well It was not what i expected. There was a handshake but no kiss on the cheek. Then we had a pleasant meal. Then she said she had to go out, which she did. I thought well I'm not surprised. So me and the brother in law had a chat, it turns out there is a few in her family who he doesn't like. So after a couple of hours I said I had to go and he asked me to hang on a bit, and he phoned his wife, who came straight back. They had already planned she would go out, so me and him could go over things, witout any direct family influence, which is fair enough. When she came back we spoke pleasantly for a little longer. When I left I got a big cuddle and a peck on the cheek. I didn't crap in the sink or DHUTWU though.
  9. So I have a dilemma. Some of you may have read my wife left me over the Christmas period, She hasn't moved in with this other man, she is keeping that from the kids, denying she has been having an affair. But she is, and they are becoming aware of it. That's not my dilemma though. Her family have obviously been on her side. No one one her side of the family, whom I have known for 26 years have spoken to me since it all came out, save fors one brother in law who has spoken to me a couple of times, and so has his wife. I supported her through her divorce some years ago. I was the only one, and that was really because I was working nearby on business so stayed with her a lot rather than hotels. In the last week she sent a letter to my ex but delivered to my address by mistake. I have to be honest , I opened it. The gist of it was I'm with you Sis bugger him. Now the dilemma, they have invited me for dinner tonight, I have accepted. I think it was all his idea. But I just don't know how to play it. how should I react. Normally when I used to go in, it was a handshake for him and a peck on the cheek for her. And what should I tell them, that I feel lousy, that despite what my ex (that's the first time I have used that phrase) has told them she has been cheating on the me and my kids. The fact that she couldn't get any time for holidays with the kids she could get time off for a holiday with her boyfriend, basically should I tell them how I see it, or should I keep schtumm or even put a brave face on it and say everything is fine. I'm not sure. I have 4 hours to decide.
  10. I think it's a massive generalisation, over 10 million people voted Tory more than the population of Portugal , so If I met 100 Portuguese who didn't own a dog could I assume no one in Portugal owns a dog? more than the population of Sweden, could I say most Swedes think Brolin was better than Ibrahimovic more than the population of Belgium could I say most Belgians are as good at football as Benteke, Company and Hazard Its a massive overstatement. As for the other point what's the difference between losing money and losing ground? Perhaps it doesn't sit easy with you
  11. Nah, it's a piss up. They break one bottle, she gets the rest of the crate. Get out of it. 2 Things First that is one massive generalisation Second when the public sector go on strike about low pay or pensions are they doing it because they are worried about losing money or something else?
  12. The Mansion Tax is a brilliant idea, I think it is estimated to bring in about £150m, but Ed can turn that into about £5bn spend. to save the NHS and end the cost of living crisis
  13. 1997 durban. BritishLlions, Jeremy Guscot drop goal we won the series
  14. Well last week wasn't pretty. She did some horrible things. As all the money is in her name I couldn't get access to any, she just bought some food shopping in. We agreed an equal split of child time last week except it didn't happen. She took them out 6 nights out of the seven, leaving them with me when she was moving the stuff out, them coming back and saying things like who want's to go and see auntie annas new puppy, then who wants to go to the cinema, then who wants to go out for a meal. Of course the kids did, they have cried enough as it is. In the middle of all this my car died so I couldn't even get out. The weekend got better though, we went out with some of my friends. She also was late getting my son to Rugby (he's pretty good and is being watched) And now I find out he won't be going to the school rugby, even though he is miles the best, and the reason, Rugby practice finishes sometime between 4 and 5 depending on the weather, all school buses have finished, so he will be standing in ruby kit freezing waiting until the 5:30 bus and she can't get there cant earlier. I suppose this is all ammunition for later though. Tonight is going to be tough though, They are sleeping at her house for the first time.
  15. She's not real scum, but she always puts herself before the family, well in all the little ways, like the kids will get the basic entry level nexus and she gets the new I pad and I phone when it comes out, or she has missed family holidays because of business, biut could always get a week away with her friends. Now we have just told the kids, so many tears, so so many
  16. I'm not coping very well at the moment. The kids are a 12 year old boy and a 14 year old girl. I found out about the affair when I opened my xmas present,in a room full of the family, aunts and uncles etc. she had done me a collage of my kids photo's unfortunately she left the receipt and with the proofs of the other photo she did of her for this other man in it. Now I just managed to control it for the day. It turns out she has rented another place. She will move out in a day or so. Can she take the kids? I really hope not there must be some legal standing, this is the family home to prevent this. Anyway a bit of background, she is a bit of a high flier and so for the last 10 years I have been a stay at home dad, and she has gone to work, all over the world often in China for a week or 2.
  17. Don't know where else to put this, My wife said she loves someone else. It's killing me. They are my kids I have raised them, she is a career woman. She want's half custody, but she has been a crap mum. She has all the money in her accounts. Whatever happens my kids will lose out. It's the end, Oh god. 26 years and 1 month together
  18. To me he is Brenda Lee, now I guess many of you will not know Brenda Lee, be she was a '60's female vocalist. She was my mom's favourite. Dad liked Sinatra. Sometimes Dad would put Sinatra on the Stereogram, (remember them) and leave the arm up, so it played over and over. Sometimes he would have a drink and doze off, and it would just keep repeating. Then Mom bought too many rivers, by Brenda Lee. It was like a bresh of fresh air to listen to something different as a 6 year old. Brenda Lee is my Jores Okore. Now I'll explain. For years I have listened to commentators say when we are playing Man U ,thing's like Vidic is lucky not to get a card Vidic is lucky there I'm surprised that's not a booking That was clearly a foul and possibly a booking. On another day that's a red card. Agbonlahor has clearly been pulled back. He's a lucky lucky boy there. Well today I heard, and have heard plenty of times in the past few weeks Nicely tidied up by Okore Cleared by Okore Tidied up by Okore Okore forced him back Okore showed great speed there. Infact I think those are the tracks on side 2 of Brenda Lee's first album I have had a beer or 2.
  19. I think the thing I find most fascinating about this is that the code was so successful that it was effectively the German's own stupidity in using it that meant we could break it. I know what you mean. It was designed to be perfect, and in many ways it was. It was the users who cocked it up. I'm sure there was the on guy who believed that it couldn't be broken that he sent a message just pressing the L key about 50 times for a joke. Well that was cracked within about 10 minutes and gave them the crib for a day. The one's that really impressed me were the ones who cracked the Japanese codes, how do you do that? its symbols not letters. The only code not broken were the windtalkers, The American Navajo indians own tongue.
  20. I think he is faster and more Athletic than both Westwood and Cleverly and more likely to get in the box than those two
  21. why did Torquay stop playing on Friday nights?
  22. I wholly agree the war criminal should be considered 2nd worse PM ever, to think Thatcher wins and one bathed in Thatcherite ideologies comes second. Cameron is lining himself up nicely to challenge bliar, He comfortobly sits in third place but another term should get him a million dead British through suicide, starvation and exposure. my word, what about Wilson , the pound in your pocket, or Callaghan, Crisis what crisis. Perhaps History isn't your thing.
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