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Everything posted by Mozzavfc

  1. Just english although i do have a french GCSE so i can get away with colours and stuff
  2. Just finished GTA4 (well the storyline) just gotta go round doing all the little side missions left and ofc random killing sprees
  3. i thought they only had 13 players in their squad :s
  4. Shawshank Redemption, any decade
  5. Johnny Foreigner - Yr All Just Jealous of My Von Dutch Hat
  6. no i reckon they'll take some time to re-build
  7. Europe and Trophy. Would love a good run in both
  8. Doubt Hughes (if he is there begining of the season) will be able to live up to hype
  9. it's close, especially as petrov has been so good this year, but its barry for me
  10. he also has opposable thumbs to use the bear catapult!
  11. Mozzavfc

    Dr Pepper

    at first i hated it but now i love the stuff
  12. they already have those. they're called mega-mixes or somthing like that
  13. James Milner backwards is pronounced James Milner
  14. come on Ireland! awesome match! loved basicly every minute
  15. we've had so much little pieces of luck today full deserve to be in front, brilliant match, we always seem to get it together to play france
  16. i wish this was on i-player they have somthing completely different put down for BBC2 11:20
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