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Everything posted by vreitti

  1. I'd really like to agree with this. Then again going by this logic, surely he must've realized these problems with his approach ages ago. Therefore I have severe difficulty understanding how come he didn't look to fix it already at the latter stages of last season?
  2. Absolutely, and I'd sure keep him around, but I just think he fancies a move.
  3. I think Veretout is a decent player, but my worry is his presence is damaging to the team, or more specifically to Hourihane and/or Lansbury, as I suspect he'll still leave before the transfer window ends.
  4. Sadly I can't. But most of the players are his players now. Why has he bought them, if they can't even get the basics right?
  5. It's not the first time you mention this, and I'm just as baffled as the last time. I just don't see how after this long, you could possibly blame the players anymore? Sure some players might still be a little rusty, which at this point is excusable in some cases (Birkir, RMc) In general though, I'd believe they are in fact playing according to instructions.
  6. I don't know where you draw your optimism from, but I don't think I've ever wanted you to be more right.
  7. I'm equally irritated at all them ppl constantly referring to the manager's past achievements, and how we'll suddenly be great again after he's had his preseason. And I'm barely allowed to say this.
  8. How can this be? They've already spent half of the preseason... doing what!? I still don't like Terry, but he's gonna be absolutely huge for us this season, and I'm not just talking about his contribution on the pitch. I'm fairly certain he'll have one or two things to say to our clueless manager on what needs to be changed in our 'approach'.
  9. Sounds like we picked up exactly where we left it last season. So much for the grand 'preseason payoff', not that I'm the least bit shocked.
  10. I suspect Whelan coming in is dependent on Veretout leaving, and in that case I'd much rather keep Veretout. I'd happily trade Whelan for both Bacuna and Gardner though.
  11. I can see Bruce's point in this regard, and I partially agree we need a Whelan type player for the future, but I'm still hoping it won't be Whelan.
  12. Well considering we bought arguably two of the best midfielders (Lansbury & Hourihane) in the league, it's really up to Bruce to make it work. Add to that what we already had, and as it stands we also might be able to keep Veretout. Please tell me a team with more quality and depth in midfield in this league?
  13. True, but he made a further mess out of it. Some of his signings might of course still come good. It think it all comes down to how we start the campaign. A positive start and we'll have a chance.
  14. It's not a question of when he'll fail, as he's already failed. The question for me is, will he turn it around.
  15. We don't need Barry, and we certainly do not need Whelan. We have a enough depth in midfield, especially if Veretout stays. Don't think we need anymore strikers either. As things stand, I'd only be looking for an additional winger, or a utility player to play on the right. Whatever money we'll still spend, is hopefully on a long-term investment.
  16. Bruce is basically operating with an unlimited budget, and he thinks Elmohammady is the answer. Speaks volumes.
  17. At present he's not good fit for us. Doesn't mean much though. He's got a lot of potential, and will flourish in the right setup. Anyways, I'm fairly certain we'll recoup our money, probably even make a small profit.
  18. I don't particularly like John Terry as a person or a footballer. Nevertheless, he was/is a great footballer. He's won everything and also been captain of the national team. I honestly struggle to see why he'd be signing for us at this point in his career. I highly doubt we represent the best possible last pay check as well. He'd have no problems earning top dollar elsewhere, in the States or China, with very minimal effort. Let's face it, the championship is a horrible league, and add to that the shitload of games to play, so I don't really see him coming here for any 'enjoyment factor' either. Thus the only logical conclusion I'm able to come to, would be that he actually still wants to compete for real. Perhaps the lure of promotion, and added 'silverware' is a thing. However, there's really no way of knowing with much certainty how he's gonna apply himself, should he sign. His overall fitness and recent injury record, are probably my biggest concerns.
  19. I dunno about that. One would think we would have been able to lure a second choice keeper (Begovic, Romero, Vorm, etc.) from anyone of the top sides? Don't we have more or less infinite funds at the moment? Balancing the books and FFP are of course altogether different issues.
  20. Right on the money. I don't mind if we have a youngster on the books as well, but we now need an experienced keeper. Actually I'm rather perplexed Bruce went for Johnstone in the first place, considering his overall, defensive approach, and emphasis on making us harder to beat. Ps. NOT trying to have a further dig at Bruce.
  21. He'll do great in a team like PSG. Sad it didn't work out for us.
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