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Everything posted by Bazmonkey

  1. Some maybe but we allowed them to we had 10 players in the box running around like headless chickens. Even their centre halves got in on the act at one point. How many second balls did we win on the edge of the box...how many in midfield....none.....how many times did we clear it to a Brighton player pretty much evert.....why...all in the time...never seen a team sit so deep with 10 men in the box...yeah the half...but not the box....this allowed them 26 shots...and not for the first time we have done this.
  2. I thought that. Either way...if he is...barkeley ain't doing himself any favours as anyone watching him wouldn't want him based recent performances...and as for England and the euros.....no chance...beike the rest of us in front of the TV.
  3. Agree the momentum and sharpness has gone. Disagree about the pitch...they looked alright and passed it round us with ease....and triangles...saw a couple of passes then boot it or lose it Without Martinez...we would have lost that...heavily. If we have lost sharpness....then he need to put someone else in. Not saying wholesale changes....two max...keep the competition...keep the hunger....keep sharp.
  4. Been found out. Mark grealish out the game and we have nothing which I get....but again...what are the others doing. However I don't get why we can't pass 10 yards...why we can't move after a pass...why can't we press....why do we make it easy. And ffs....basics....throw ins....dropping off....and another game allowing over 20 shots....so predictable in our play...four passes if lucky at the back then hoof....chasing shadows in the box Something needs a change...maybe a mix up...create a bit of competition...team picks itself now. We haven't played well since Burnley 1st half. It's a good job we already have points on the board...its a shame to throw away the first of the season.
  5. Actually embarassd we might get a point out of this shower of.....performance
  6. Really poor to have a centre forward on our own 18 yard line...lucky for the foul as that pass went know where and not a single villa player in sight. Need to sharpen up. And for the love of God.. can we win a second ball
  7. Is it me or do they have an extra player on the pitch...always an option...always a pass...10 yards We get the ball and the nearest player is still on the coach they are that far away
  8. Regardless of the team selection...would have liked to have seen sanson for mcginn or barkley due to form. I want to see us press and take the game to them rather than sit off like we have in the past few games. I'm hoping the extra days off have given the rest and energy to do this
  9. Think the holte was being built then, I think there was a small part of the lower tier open for that game
  10. Absolutely agree....Brighton will be tough has they are rich vein of form at the moment and individual performances have been good We do have to respect the opposition and i think we have in most games. In terms of being 'better' im on about the small things that have recently crept back in to our game, the dropping off, sitting deep, and to some extent our shape. This has restricted our own play, we have less possession. You could call it a bit of class....composure. As a coach myself I call being 'better' the 5 yard rule. Lets have the defenders defending the box 5 yards higher...not behind the keeper.....lets have the full backs playing 5 yards wide....giving the winger no space or only pass it back....lets give the midfielders 5 yards higher so that they can pick up the second ball or a clearance from defence....support the attack..as at the moment they are in the box too...even Grealish is on the byline..we dont want him there...we want him in the middle...like arsenal away.....pass out....run...play Wakins in...goal.......its fine lines but for me they can and have shown it before christmas....pressing in numbers rather than Wakins doing it on his own. Grealish has been marked out of the last three games...still done good...but if he is marked by two or three players...what are the 'free players doing' Lets be bit more proactive....give the oppo something to think about...rather than for 80 mins against arsenal and southampton say...we will sit...come on then...show us what you have...more organised and efficient rather than bodies thrown everywhere.....so far we have been really good and even the media are saying good things.....for me i dont want to see the hard work done before Christmas fade away due to very small things...yes we will win some games...yes we will lose. Im all losing when its against the better team and showing respect when needed.....but lets not give them the chance as much like the past couple games.
  11. I wouldn't say he made adjustments. I think we played better in the West ham game. Less shots...less possession...difference was we managed to hold on for a win...just like Southampton. Cant play like that every week and think we will win.
  12. i know its the Birmingham mail...but quoted 40 mil for him in the summer. Its a no at that price. On his day he can play....but lately gone off the boil...but then so has the rest of the midfield...there have been moments but not enough for me
  13. This has been happening since we have returned. I have mentioned this a couple of times. Now is it down to tiredness or the remains of covid effects. Either way its a concern as eventually something will break, ultimately the back of the net. I think it is because we sit so deep, its a good job there are railings on the front row of the holte because i think some of the players would be at the back of it. Full backs who allow crosses and wingers to run 20 yards before they look like challenging them We have defenders behind the goalie.....midfielders in the 6 yard box...wheres the outlet if it does come out....nowhere....and it just keeps coming back...wave after wave.... No coincidence we looked better for 90 mins earlier in the season..... Just look at the stats for the past few games...possession...shots allowed on goal....our own shot count.....they dont lie. Yes we have gained a couple of points but its not been through good defending...its all been backs to the wall....throw yourself in front of it...which is commendable but its not the best way to base a defensive element to the game....booting the ball away aimlessly inviting attack after attack....our ball retention is poor IMO I think the team are gassed and needs to be rotated a bit more and earlier in a game...you could see in the Arsenal game...players were tired.....tired brings mistakes...mistakes lead to goals. We have a 16 mil chap sitting on the bench...is he the answer...who knows...but until he plays we wont know.
  14. Getting tired now Backing off. Something needs to change
  15. Look alright with the ball....keep it simple then lose it Hate the way we sit off and allow them to come in to our half...no press...no presure arsenal will attack the flanks...thats our weakness. Grealish not getting any ball...bring him in to middle give them something to think about. Should be two up Need to play a lot better to keep the lead and null arsenal
  16. Will struggle today Arsenal to exploit the wings and full backs due to us dropping off. Supprised at nakamba for luiz....not exactly been great lately but better than mcginn Oh well...we shall see
  17. Great Post. Our defensive play has been poor recently especially allowing more shots on goal....if it continues then those shots will eventually become goals. Interesting that we are low in pressing stats...I thought we woud be low but only city below us. We have an issue of retreating or dropping deep which has been very apparent lately...8 players in the 6 yard box when Wood scored at burnley...cash at left centre back for the non hand ball at Southampton. We have now lost the outlet pass because of this so its one way traffic. To be better defensively we don't necessarily have to press all over the pitch. We need to more organised...two banks of four...you shall not pass so to speak....we tend to let teams come on amd it just becomes blocks.. bodies flying everywhere....school boy like. This could be down to tiredness as its natural to just sit when tired. I hope smith mixes up a little as today will only be the same. I can see arsenal using the wings and full backs to get at us as ours drop and tuck in too much.
  18. Have read some of the comments about the midfield it is clear that there is an issue. Being out muscled...working hard....bullied etc....players not really capable of playing in certain roles. The problem is we have too many midfielders who are the same and only offer one thing. I'll use the wingers as an example...el ghazi and traore. Both are that...wingers...not attacking midfielders but wingers. Going forward will always look good because of the attack minded players we have. However when youbplay against good organised teams you need more to your game. Our formation is right...however the players in certain positions just don't fit how the game is played. When you add in grealish and barkeley we essentially have 5 - 5 formation. Last night was always going to happen....ive played and coached at a good level and when you look at us...its simple....they are tired Tired makes mistakes...concentration...for the first 20 mins yiu are fine then...boooom...it hits you....no coincidence how the defending has gone school boy like....what do you do when tired...sit further and further back. I know a few had a bad game but when you add in the above...then its going to be a tough every game. Hopefully Dean will realise the errors made recently because it will be a shame to waste all the hard work to date especially if there is an European place up for grabs
  19. If Jack has two on him all the time...that leaves someone free???? What are doing?? Same team = tiredness = mistakes = poor performance. Its been coming southampton... Burnley.... Smith needs to freshen it up...to keep everyone...well...fresh
  20. Dare I say it but could the same team game in game out is starting to catch up.
  21. This year has been a massive improvement and having a good keeper in Martinez has definitely helped. Not trying to be the party proper but I would like to see us more organised rather than backs to wall throw ourselves at everything. Burnley and last night showed that...10 players in the box...right back at left centre half...centre halves behind the goalie....centre halves retreating from crosses rather than attacking them (mings at burnley)....almost like we defended last season...8 players in 6 yard box when Wood scored...thats not very good. We have allowed teams to come at us by doing this recently amd lost the outlet when we do clear it as everyone is back in the box....let the defenders defend...midfielders track the runners if needed...results have great so far...can it go a season...who knows.
  22. I believe top 10 is achievable and if someone said at the start would you take it id snap their hand off. However, we are in a really great position to make top 8 even Europe and we should grasp the opportunity...not let it go and say well we finished 10th thats an improvement. Higher in league = more money = more attractive to players = more likely to keep Jack. Last nights game and burnley highlighted acouple of flaws that may prevent this. 1. Burnout of players, Smith's reluctance to change it up when we we are getting battered. Slow the play the down a bit...relax...reorganisation of the defence. 2. Defensive problems from last year. Now it could be down to tiredness....or just quite good enough. At the start of the year we were more organised. Lately the defending has been caototic, all over the shop...full backs at centre half....centre halves retreating to 6 yard box...midfielders in the box....under 10 stuff. There were 8 villa players in the 6 yard box when Wood scored for Burnley and last night it was the same...ok they didn't score ...bodies everywhere...no out let as midfielders are too deep. Get this right...rotate a bit more when needed and we won't keep holding on or losing games like we have recently. Europe is possible
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