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Everything posted by TheAuthority

  1. I know it's wrong but I celebrated that 2nd Chelsea goal almost like it was a Villa goal.
  2. Didn't anyone else think that the celebrations from the rest of the team were subdued after his first goal?
  3. NFL has a large away fan following. People will make a weekend of it though because of the distance involved. Fly Friday night, see the city Saturday, go to the game on Sunday and fly back that night kind of thing.
  4. Go see the Radio City Music Hall Christmas show in Rockefeller center, complete with the Rockettes dancing troupe. It's a good all round family Broadway show. (and I play in the orchestra!!)
  5. I think a winter break like Russia might be included. That would solve the heat issue.
  6. Which is partly why it's not guaranteed to work. In Miami those communities are actually quite segregated and have their own dynamic/racism/snobbery. e.g. the Argentinians look down on everyone, everyone looks down on the Mexicans etc. and the Cuban population has it's own unique standing in Miami. It doesn't necessarily translate that because there are passionate football fans in the home countries of these expats you'll get now they're living somewhere else - especially if it means mixing with others they don't really like to be around. For example baseball is huge in Venezuela and Cuba and both countries are well represented in South Florida. But that doesn't seem to help the Marlins who are are the 2nd least attended team in MLB http://espn.go.com/mlb/attendance Another issue is the MLS season is played through the summer. I've been to early season Miami Dolphin games in September which were unbearable because of the heat and humidity. Games in June and July in the middle of the afternoon would possibly be dangerous for fans and players.
  7. I lived in Miami for many years and I don't think a MLS franchise can be successful in that town even with Beckham's backing. In the past MLS franchise teams have developed out of smaller teams from USL-1 the 2nd tier of US soccer. Following the NBA expansion model, the team/organization had to demonstrate that it had enough local interest to support a MLS franchise. It's my understanding the Miami/Beckham plan is to create a team out of thin air. Perhaps the MLS think that bending the rules for brand Beckham (again) will be successful but there is scant evidence to suggest that Miami has fans willing to regularly show up for soccer games. It is well known that South Florida in general has 'fair weather' fans - see the Dolphins, Marlins and the Miami Heat. It's difficult to predict exactly what the largely transient population of Miami will and won't show up for.
  8. Wellbeck gets the ball tangled between his legs and falls over. Townsend "Great energy from Wellbeck."
  9. Who's the blondey haired bloke who talks to the subs before they come on? Part of the England backroom staff.
  10. Via a Hart clanger straight from the David James textbook of 'How to lose a match in the last minute'. That's what they teach at Burton right? You should see the size of their boards.
  11. As time goes on a 93rd minute equaliser begins to look more and more likely.
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